What the Future Holds

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(A Few Days Later)

Nate stood outside, Tenzin was walking outside, speaking a Tibetan prayer for Schafer grave, Nate stood there, in prayer too, looking down at an object in his hand, as Tenzin was done, both he and Nate exchanged words

"So, it's been a long, strange trip, hasn't it", Chloe asked

"Yes, it has", Nate said

"Something tells me, you shouldn't be up yet", Chloe stated

"Believe me, if you were in my place, you would", Nate said, "hey, you should play the hero more often, it suits you",

"...Nah", Chloe said, making Nate laugh, "if I were you, I'd watch out for Ella",

"Chloe", Nate began

"No, my turn to walk away... but admit it... you're gonna miss this ass", Chloe teased, earning a small laugh from Nate as she walked away

"Someone isn't supposed to be out of bed yet", Ella stated

"Like I said, lousy patient", Sully added

"I'm not", Nate said, faking sadness, making Sully chuckle

"So, no giant sapphire", Sully asked

"Once again, no", Ella said

"And you're sure about that", Sully asked once again

"Yes", Elena said

"Just a metaphor, I'm afraid", Nate stated

"A metaphor ain't gonna pay your bills, kid", Sully said

"Eh, something else will come along, just gotta have faith", Nate said

"Yeah, that and a quarter'll get you twenty-five cents", Sully stated, earning another chuckle from Nate, Elena quietly excusing herself away from the conversation to help out the people in the village

"Uh, which way did Chloe go", Sully asked as Nate pointed in the direction she walked off to, "see ya later",

"Oh no", Ella said

"You're a dirty old man, Sullivan", Nate shouted

"Uh-huh", Sully said, making the two laugh, Nate and Ella both looking at Schafer's grave

"You did good, Nate, I think he'd approve", Ella stated

"I heard you took down Lazarevic all by yourself", Nate said

"Sort of... I have those guardians of Shambhala to thank for taking him out", Ella explained, so... what's the next adventure in store for us",

"I don't know... I haven't thought that far ahead", Nate said

"You never have", Ella said, the two leaning forward, kissing each other, later looking out at the view of the mountains

"So... how scared were you", Nate asked

"You're seriously asking me that question", Ella asked

"Just curious", Nate said as Ella thought for a bit

"...Broken scale", Ella said

"I see", Nate said

"Now, reiterating the question, how scared were you", Ella asked

"Four", Nate said

"Really, from the whole adventure, your giving mine a four", Ella asked

"Yeah", Nate said, hiding his smirk

"Nope, you were in the higher numbers, probably broken scale as well", Ella stated

"No, from higher numbers those guardian things were an eight", Nate said

"And a ten", Ella asked

"Clowns", Nate said

"Alright I see that, but I know that if I were to go, it wouldn't be a four", Ella stated

"I hate clowns", Nate said with a smile, holding in his laughter

"Jerk", Ella said, slapping the back of his head

"How about a five", Nate asked

"Broken scale as well", Ella asked

"...And if I agree", Nate asked once again

"Then... you might get this back", Ella said, holding up Drake's ring

"Alright, I'll give this back if you give that back", Nate said, holding up a ring

"That's not mine", Ella said

"Not yet at least", Nate said, carefully taking his ring back,

"Where did you get that", Ella asked

"I had it made, the souvenir you gave me is the stone in it", Nate stated

"Are you... proposing to me", Ella asked

"Only if you say yes", Nate said, Ella let out a smile; words failing to come out, but she ended up nodding her head, making Nate chuckle

"Yes", Ella said, Nate letting out a happy smile and a chuckle, the two sharing a kiss once again as the two later looked back at the view of the mountains, ready to see what the future would hold for the two

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