The Village, Under Attack

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"Stupid head injury", Ella grumbled, she and Elena all sitting down, Schafer walking around the room

"It's not the end of the world, you know", Elena teased

"Shush", Ella said, causing Elena to laugh, "hey, Schafer, what did happen to your expedition",

"...We were looking for the Chintamani Stone as I had said before, but only found fragments", Karl explained, "we were SS, my men who had the fragments used them, I had no choice but to kill them",

"Nazi's", Ella said in shock and confusion as Schafer nodded his head

"What would man become...", Schafer began, only to be stopped by the sound of gunfire, Ella and Elena were quick to get up and run outside, Lazarevic had somehow caught up to them, his goons swarmed the place, trucks were driving through, alongside a military tank

"This is bad", Ella said

"Come on we have to help", Elena stated, Schafer had ran back inside to grab the Phurba, and bring Tenzin's daughter to safety, as Ella and Elena ran forward, helping out those in need

"Thank god", Nate said, running up to the two girls

"Nate", Ella called out

"What happened", Nate asked

"It's Lazarevic, they found us", Elena stated, as Tenzin spoke, "I don't know, I don't know, Schafer's got her",

"And they went the other way", Ella added

"Alright", Nate said

"Nate, this is our fault, we did this", Elena stated

'Just stay here, keep them safe", Nate asked as Elena nodded her head

"You're not going without me this time", Ella stated

"El... I'm sorry, but stay here with Elena", Nate said

"No, you said...", Ella began

"Ella, I know what I said; just help Elena out, then both of you can catch up, I want you two safe", Nate stated, "Tenzin and I will go find Schafer, alright",

"Fine, if you go back on your word again, then I can guarantee that you won't like me", Ella said

"Alright, I'll see you soon", Nate said, he and Tenzin leaving, Ella and Elena to get the people around to safety, once all were in a safe place, away from the gunfire, Ella and Elena began running forward, only to stop in their tracks

"Nate probably on the other side of the village, we'll never reach him in time on foot", Ella stated

"Then why don't we take a car", Elena asked, pointing towards some empty cars

"Elena, you're a genius, let's go", Ella said, the two carefully running towards a truck, getting in and turning it on; Elena drove forward, Ella rolled down the passenger side window, and shot at any goon that tried to shoot at them; after awhile, the two finally reached Nate

"Nate", Elena called out, stopping the truck

"They took Schafer", Nate stated, running towards the truck, Ella sliding towards the middle seat to allow Nate room

"It's because he has the dagger", Ella said

"I know", Nate said, sliding into the truck

"Come on, we gotta go", Elena stated, with everyone in, Elena floored the truck, a few minutes later, they reached the small convoy

"Alright, they must've taken him in the lead car", Nate stated

"We gotta stop 'em before Lazarevic gets ahold of him", Elena added

"Alright, I have an idea, Ella, your with me this time", Nate said, opening the door

"Wait, what are you doing", Elena asked, worried

"We're gonna clear the road", Nate said, the two jumping onto a truck, taking out Lazarevic's goons and jumping over to different trucks in the process; the more trucks they took out, the easier it was for Elena to catch up and go to the lead car, not long after, both Nate and Ella jumped back onto the truck Elena was driving

"You two okay back there", Elena asked

"Yeah", Ella responded

"There's the lead car, gun it", Nate stated

"Hold on", Elena said, speeding up

"That's right, bastards, we got you now... oh crap", Nate shouted, as a goon popped up, with a rocket launcher in hand

"You really had to jinx it, didn't you", Ella asked

"I didn't think he'd have it", Nate said, the goon fired the rocket, Elena swerved out of the way, but lost control as the truck fell off the cliff

"There's no way they survived that, let's go", the goon ordered, the lead truck then drove forward once more; little did the goon know, the three were still alive, climbing up the side of the cliff, the three lying down

"Just like old times, huh", Nate asked

"You could say that", Elena said

"Just normal adventures", Ella added

"So, now what", Elena asked, the three sitting up to see an old monastery, not like the one back in South America; where they found El Dorado, but from the looks of it, it was super old, practically falling apart, yet still standing

"We head to the creepy old monastery, what else", Nate stated, looking towards the monastery with his binoculars, "there's Schafer... damn it",

"What's happening", Elena asked

"Lazarevic has him", Nate said

"Oh great... you guys ready for this", Ella asked

"As I'll ever be", Elena responded

"Let's go", Nate said, the two getting up, off the ground, and began walking and climbing towards the monastery

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