Where am I

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Nate woke up in a random place, being startled by a small child that watched over him; not long after, a grown man walked up to the two, speaking Tibetan, Nate couldn't understand him, but not long after, the child walked away, leaving Nate with the man

"How did I get here", Nate asked, the man speaking to him in a different language, Nate wasn't sure of what he said; looking down to his side, his shirt had been patched up, as well as his wound.

"How long have I been out", Nate asked, the man offering him a drink, later speaking to him again

"I'm sorry... I don't understand", Nate said, the man then motioned him to get up, which Nate did, and he then gave Nate a coat

"The woman I was with... where is she", Nate asked, the man motioned him to follow, leaving the house, Nate saw that he was in a village

"Where the hell am I", Nate asked himself, the snowy mountains around the area didn't seem to hit the village, yet a cold breeze blew in; everyone around speaking Tibetan, making Nate more confused, as Nate kept following the man as the two entered a house, running into two familiar faces, Elena and Ella; to Nate's relief, Ella was alright, yet her injury was still visible

"Just when I thought I had nothing left to lose", Nate stated, causing the two girls to turn their heads

"Nate, thank god you're alright", Ella said, running up and hugging him, which he returned, Elena joining in soon after

"I'm fine, what about you", Nate asked

"Like I said, I can survive getting hit on the head, one day, however, I'll break this curse", Ella stated with a chuckle, making Nate chuckle as well

"Guys, please tell me you two have some idea of what's going on, how long have we been here", Nate asked

"Only a few days, I followed the tracks to the wreckage; Ella told me what happened", Elena stated

"Alright, so you know that you were right about Chloe", Nate said, "she wasn't exactly looking to be rescued",

"Wait, did she do that", Elena asked, referring to their injury's

"No, no, I have Flynn to thank for this", Nate said, referring to his injury, "she got hers in the wreckage",

"Come on, there's somebody who's anxious to meet you two", Elena stated, the four walking into a room where an old man stood, waiting

"So, our mysterious guests awaken", the old man said

"Nate, Ella, this is Karl Schafer", Elena introduced

"How are you feeling", Schafer asked

"Good, thanks", Nate responded

"It appears that you two and I have much in common, Mr. Drake, Ms. Davis", Schafer stated

"How so", Ella asked

"Seventy years ago, I came here just like you two, carried into the village, near death", Schafer explained, showing the three pictures of him and his team, alongside the Phurba "the last survivor of my company; I was hired to lead an expedition into Tibet to find the entrance to Shambhala; what they really wanted was the Chintamani Stone, so, my friends... where did you find this",

"Borneo, why", Nate asked

"This is the key to Shambhala", Elena stated

"It's the one object your opponent desperately needs, even if he does not know it yet", Schafer stated,

"I think he already knows", Ella said

"Look, we're very grateful for everything you've done for us, we really are", Nate stated, "but we're through with all this... mainly me",

"So, they have beaten you, eh", Schafer asked, "your quest is over",

"Yeah, that's right" Nate said

"What if it's only the beginning", Schafer asked, "don't worry, your ego will change, you're just lucky to be alive",

"Yeah, y'know, people are always telling me how lucky we are", Nate stated, "but the truth is, everything I touch turns to shit",

"Nate", Elena called out

"No, I'm done, come on girls, I'm through playing the hero", Nate said

"Your adversary will not give up so easily, he will not stop until he possesses the thing he desires", Schafer explained

"Oh yeah, well, more power to him", Nate said

"Nate", Ella called out in a warning tone

"Power is precisely the problem", Schafer explained "some of the most fearsome rulers through history have possessed only a fragment of the Chintamani Stone; men like Tamerlane, Genghis Khan... if a mere sliver could bestow such power, what would a man become if he possessed the stone itself",

"This is crazy", Nate said

"It's got to be what he's after, Nate", Elena explained

"It ties in with everything, sell it, no... he has enough money clearly", Ella explained, "keep it as a souvenir, I don't think so, keep it for power, it's the only logical answer",

"Then Lazarevic really is a nut-job, he's chasing a myth", Nate stated

"And what if he's not", Elena asked

"If it's true, like some of the fables we've looked for, together or not, it won't end well", Ella stated

"I understand your doubt, you require proof, something you can see with your own eyes", Schafer said, speaking to the man known as Tenzin, "find the remains of my expedition, and you will have your proof, Tenzin will guide you",

"Hope I live to regret this", Nate said

"Nah, I'll be by your side", Ella said

"Nope, you're staying here", Nate stated

"What... if it's because of my injury", Ella began

"It's not only that... I don't wanna lose you El, I almost did out in the snowstorm, and I don't plan for it to happen again", Nate explained

"And let you go through something dangerous", Ella said

"Ella, please, just stay here, recover a bit more, then when I get back, we'll be back to normal", Nate stated, "if I decide to continue or not",

"Knowing you... you will, just come back in one piece, okay", Ella asked, the two later kissing each other, as they pulled away, Nate ran forward to Tenzin, the two men leaving the village to find Schafer's expedition remains

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