The Golden Passport

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Dealing with Lazarevic's many goons, Nate, Ella, and Sully made their way out of the base campsite and up the mountain, with all the shooting, it was obvious that Lazarevic would be back at any moment; wasting no time, the three fled the site and climbed up the mountain, there, they saw what appeared to be of ancient ruins

"Would you look at that", Nate asked with a laugh

"Oh yeah", Sully said

"Hey... hello, what do we have here", Chloe asked

"Hopefully, the last resting place of Marco Polo's crew", Ella stated

"Shall we check it out", Sully asked as the three nodded their heads and ran into the ruins; finding a way down below, bones and skeletal remains all lied around the floors

"Looks like we hit the jackpot", Nate stated

"There must be hundreds of bodies down here", Chloe said

"Nate, look at this... black teeth", Ella said, muttering a sorry, she held up a skull, showing Nate the black teeth

"For god's sake, they're all that way", Sully stated

"Hey, come check this out", Nate said, entering a room full of broken barrels

"They carried their cargo all the way here", Chloe said

"Looks like it", Ella said as Nate grabbed a blue stone that seemed to glow

"More resin, I've seen this before", Nate stated, grabbing an old torch and putting the stone resin inside,

"Sully, give me a light", Nate asked as Sully lit a match and dropped it on the resin, blue fire emitted from the torch; Ella, Sully, and Chloe then began walking forward, the blue light seemed to show a trail

"Wait a minute... this is blood", Nate asked

"it's everywhere", Chloe said

"Looks like a real massacre", Sully added

"Wait, it's a trail, see", Ella said, pointing forward, the blood seemed to be leading them somewhere; carefully following, the bloodstains led the four towards a door, barricaded in stone; with help, Nate and Sully opened the path, there were more bodies and a lot more bloodstains

"They killed each other", Ella stated

"Seems that way, but why is the question", Nate asked, later seeing a skeleton, giving Ella a wink, Nate tossed the torch away, everyone's flashlights coming back on

"Look at this, what do we have here", Nate asked, slowly reaching out for what the skeleton was holding

"Careful", Chloe said

"Sorry about this", Ella muttered, feeling uneasy about robbing the dead; Nate grabbed what the skeleton was holding, only for it to be pulled back, Nate screamed, causing both Sully and Chloe to jump before Nate began laughing, Ella later joining in, silently

"Just kidding", Nate said with a laugh, grabbing what the skeleton was holding

"Nate, you're gonna give me a goddamn heart attack", Sully stated as Nate opened up a box, inside was a map and a golden dagger, "man, is that an ugly freakin' thing",

"What is it, some kinda weapon", Chloe asked

"No-no, it's a Phurba, it's a ritual object, from Tibet, it's used to destroy obstacles, spiritual ones", Nate explained

"The golden passport Marco Polo was talking about, that's gotta be it", Ella said

"Look, this is all interesting, but where the hell is it a passport to", Sully asked

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