The Old Monastery

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"Almost there, quietly now... nice view", Nate stated, as the girls climbed passed Nate, he saw a good view of the mountainside

"Men", Elena said, rolling her eyes

"No, no, I was talking about the mountains, really", Nate defended

"Goons incoming, be prepared", Ella whispered, Nate and Elena nodding their heads, carefully climbing up, and knocking out the guards, staying alert, just in case in spotted, from observing, most of the goons were alert, yet also cold from standing in the open for so long; as the three tried their best to stealth their way through, they were unfortunately spotted, which apparently sent out a whole entire army, taking care of the army, the three continued forward, getting into the monastery

"Look, up there, is that them", Elena asked as Ella looked through Nate's binoculars

"Please... stop that", Nate asked, in an not-so-angry tone

"Nope, I know you enjoy this", Ella stated, making Nate grumble, "looks like they're moving Schafer into that tower",

"Damn it", Nate muttered, Ella handing his binoculars back

"Come on, we gotta hurry", Elena stated, the three running ahead, still avoiding Lazarevic's goons, even as they reached the tower, another army of goons waited for them, after taking them out, the three reached the bridge Schafer was on moments ago

"There they are", Elena said, pointing them out, from what Nate saw through his binoculars, they were bringing Schafer inside the tower

"Ugh, that son-of-a-bitch", Nate muttered, "we don't have much time... we gotta hurr-and there she goes",

"That's Elena for you", Ella stated, the two watching Elena run across the bridge before following after posthaste, not long after, the bridge began to fall; Ella and Elena were lucky enough to make it to the other side, Nate, however, fell with a piece of the bridge, later climbing up, with Ella and Elena's help, he was able to make it before the bridge fully collapsed

"I'm never crossing a bridge with you again", Nate stated

"Deal", Elena said

"Come on, we're getting close", Ella said as the two nodded their heads, climbing up the stairs, the three peered out only to see Lazarevic, lucky for then, he hadn't seen them

"There's Lazarevic", Nate whispered

"Stand guard, stay alert", Lazarevic ordered as the goons all around agreed to his order as he walked away, towards another area of the Monastery

"Where's Schafer", Elena asked in a hushed voice

"Up there seems heavily guarded, that's where he must be at", Ella whispered, pointing towards a small balcony ledge with many guards, with no means of stealth; Nate, Ella, and Elena pulled out their guns and all ran out, taking out the closest goons first before jumping into cover, after taking out the goons outside; the three ran inside, only to be met up with more goons, after taking them out, the three entered a room, Schafer was there, but he was injured, and not looking too good

"Oh no", Elena said as the three ran up to him, "it's ok, we're here",

"You were right", Schafer said

"About what", Nate asked

"Everything you touch does turn to shit", Schafer stated, coughing

"Alright, come on, we're gonna get you out of here", Nate reassured

"No", Schafer said

"What do we do", Elena asked

"I don't know", Ella responded

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