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(A Couple Days Later)

"When you said Lazarevic had a head start on us, you weren't kidding", Nate stated, talking to Chloe though the walkie-talkie; arriving in Nepal, it was chaos, a Civil War had started, no doubt that Lazarevic had started it, Nate and Ella were driving down the war-ridden streets cautiously, luckily enough, no soldier, nor townsperson were in sight

"Well, he had some help from local guerillas... the city's been on a brink of civil war for years, he just needed to throw a little gasoline on the fire", Chloe explained

"Charming", Nate replied

"Yeah, well, all the chaos provides some cover while he destroys the city looking for the right temple", Chloe stated, both Nate and Ella looking around their surroundings, townspeople were running past the jeep, "Nate, Ella, hello",

"Yeah, we're still here", Ella called out

"You two aren't having second thoughts, are you", Chloe asked

"Who, me, never", Nate replied

"Good, cause I'm so ready to be done with these clowns; meet me at the Old Market, things are pretty quiet over there", Chloe stated,

"Alright, got it", Ella said as the radio went dead, Ella then turned her head towards Nate, "so... never having second thoughts",

"I never do", Nate stated

"Shall I bring out the list", Ella asked with a chuckle, making Nate grumble

"How long is this list", Nate grumbled

"Pretty long", Ella stated, not long after, a crash was heard, Nate looked into the Jeep's mirror as Ella turned her head, an armored truck was moving towards the two, and fast

"Uh-oh, we got company", Nate said through the radio

"Oh great, can you lose them", Chloe asked

"I think it's a bit too late for that", Ella stated as the armored truck rammed into the jeep

"Ella, hang on", Nate said, trying to speed up the jeep

"Nate, Ella, you guys ok", Chloe asked

"We've been better", Nate replied, the armored truck ramming into the jeep once more; Nate turned the jeep onto its side to enter an alleyway, however, the armored truck hit the jeep, sending the two tumbling; Nate crawled out of the remains of the jeep, later helping Ella out of the wreckage

"You okay", Nate asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, probably bruised, but alright", Ella responded

"Get hit on the head", Nate asked, as Ella slapped his head

"No... did you", Ella asked with a mischievous smile, causing Nate to chuckle, as the two ran forward, the armored truck came back, ramming its way past the wrecked jeep and towards Nate and Ella

"Don't they ever get up", Nate asked, both he and Ella running away and shooting at the armored truck

"If this is like the past treasure hunts... then no", Ella replied, the two still shooting; after awhile, the armored truck exploded, Nate and Ella were safe... for now

"You alright", Ella asked, out of breath

"Yeah... come on... the Old Market oughta be this way", Nate stated, out of breath as well, exiting from the alleyway and looking around

"Find them", a soldier ordered, which alerted the two

"Crap", Nate muttered, grabbing Ella's wrist and running into cover as Lazarevic's men ran out of the alleyway, in search of both Nate and Ella

"They're here somewhere, keep your eyes open", the soldier ordered once again, a few seconds later, gunshots rang out; as the soldiers turned around, a few were hit by a bus, the remaining three began shooting at the bus, which allowed both Nate and Ella to take out the remaining goons

"Come on, let's find Chloe", Ella said as Nate nodded his head in agreement, running forward, the two were stopped by an explosion, their easy way into the Old Market was blocked off

"Why with every treasure hunt we go on, it's never easy", Ella asked

"Who knows", Nate said as the two began climbing around, going through buildings; the two spotted a helicopter, no doubt owned by Lazarevic, both began to question how much stuff he had.

"I think it's best we avoid that thing at all cost", Ella stated

"Agreed", Nate said, the two continuing forward, knocking out Lazarevic's men, and taking them out whenever necessary; it became especially hard when another armored truck came in... with a turret at the back, luckily enough, it was taken out, by none other than Chloe

"Seems like I am always saving your ass", Chloe stated, tossing the rocket launcher away and walking towards Nate and Ella, carefully taking the Phurba from Nate, "so this is the key to everything",

"Yes, it is, Marco Polo's passport to Shambhala", Nate stated

"What do we do with it", Chloe asked

"We currently have no clue yet, the temple referred to on the map can give us the answers we need", Ella explained, "but what we do know, Lazarevic can't get very far without it",

"I wouldn't underestimate him, you know, he and Flynn have been tearing this city apart, they must've left dozens of temples already", Chloe stated, "so what's our next move",

"Girls, check this out", Nate said, holding the Phurba up, inspecting it, "you see this symbol... look right up there",

"Ok, I see the resemblance... so what does it mean", Chloe asked, looking at the symbol on the Phurba and on the archway

"Marco Polo followed clues, clues on the Phurba that would lead him to the correct temple, the temple that would lead him to Shambhala", Ella explained

"Exactly, the temple we're looking for is gonna be marked with this emblem, now all we have to do, is find it", Nate stated, pulling out a map of the city

"You do realize there are literally hundreds of these temples throughout the city", Chloe asked

Yes, but if we found a higher vantage point", Nate began

"We can spot our needle in the haystack", Chloe finished

"I remember seeing a hotel when we were coming in, easily the tallest building here", Ella stated

"Alright... now where is it at", Nate asked, causing Chloe to roll her eyes

"Follow me", Chloe said, running forward, both Nate and Ella following behind her as the three began making their way towards the giant building for their vantagepoint.

Uncharted 2, The Road to ShambhalaWhere stories live. Discover now