Through the Snowstorm

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"Why is it always the head", Ella muttered, holding her head in pain, some blood coming out from the wound; looking around, the train was a wreck, looking out the window, they were over a cliff; thinking back on what happened, her mind instantly thought of Nate, looking down, over in another seat, sat Nate, a bullet wound in his abdomen, he was passed out.

"Nathan... Nate, I need you to wake up", Ella called out, making Nate groan

"What's going on", Nate mumbled before wincing in pain, he wasn't looking too good, "that's my blood... that's my blood, that's a lot of my blood",

"Nate", Ella called out once again, making said man look up

"El... what happened", Nate asked,

"Well...", Ella began, right before she could speak, different objects fell, the seat Nate sat on was about to fall

"Oh god", Nate muttered in panic

"Nate, jump", Ella shouted, holding her hand out, as Nate jumped and held onto Ella's hand, the seat he was on fell down, off the train and off the cliff; not long after, the seat Ella was on tilted

"Crap", Ella muttered as she slid off, both falling down, luckily enough for the two, Nate and Ella managed to grab onto the railing

"Oh crap", Nate said, looking down below, from what he could tell, if they were to let go, it would've been a long fall to their deaths

"Nate, are you ok", Ella asked

"Yeah, you", Nate asked

"I can survive a head injury, but I'd like to get onto a stable area before either of us begin to feel dizzy", Ella stated as Nate nodded his head in agreement and both began to carefully climb the train,

"Be the hero and rescue Chloe... brilliant", Nate muttered in anger, "what were we thinking",

"Not sure, but next time I see her, it's going to get ugly", Ella said, making Nate chuckle; the two ended up getting separated, but as Ella reached the top, she saw Nate nearing the top as well,

"Here, grab on", Ella said, holding her hand out once again, which Nate grabbed and Ella pulled him up; entering the next train car that was still on the cliff, it began to topple over, moving off the cliff; wasting no time, the two ran forward, later jumping off the train car as it went off the cliff, Ella landed on the cliff as Nate was hanging onto the ledge; Ella quickly crawled forward, ignoring the cold and the dizzy spell, pulling Nate up, both lied down for awhile after.

"Nate... we gotta get moving", Ella stated, but it seemed to go distant to Nate as he passed out


"Hey, you make it there ok", Nate asked

"Yep, at the hotel with Chase", Ella stated "but she still won't tell me where were going or what we're finding",

"That sounds like her", Nate said with a chuckle

"Yeah, we set out tomorrow, but what about you, you make it ok", Ella asked

"Yeah, we start the heist tomorrow, once it's done, we lie low for awhile then I'll come back", Nate stated, "...or I could always come to you",

"We'll probably be somewhere in a jungle, so I doubt it", Ella said, "just be careful though, I don't know why, but something doesn't feel right about your heist",

"Come on, you worry too much", Nate teased

"Can't help it when I'm dating you", Ella stated, making Nate laugh

"If it makes you feel better, I will be careful, besides, Chloe's gonna give you updates", Nate said

"I know, but be careful, and don't do anything stupid", Ella asked

"Since when have I done anything stupid", Nate asked, in a matter-of-fact tone

"Shall I bring out the list", Ella asked once again

"...Is it a long list", Nate muttered

"Too long", Ella stated with a laugh

"Alright, to make you feel better, I won't do anything stupid, but I got to go", Nate said

"Alright, good luck tomorrow", Ella said

"You too, bye", Nate said

"Bye", Ella said as Nate hung up the phone, although he won't admit, he did feel that something was off from the start, but it wasn't as bad as before; his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his hotel room door, opening it up, revealing Chloe

(Flashback End)

"Hey there, how you feeling", Ella asked as Nate woke up

"Cold... but alright, I'm mainly worried about you", Nate said

"Nate, you know I can survive a head injury, every adventure I've been on, I get hit in the head", Ella stated, "my injury's not bad, I'm the one whose mainly worried about you",

"They're alive", someone shouted, Nate and Ella turned their heads to see an armed goon; right before he could shoot, a train car behind him exploded, the goon, killed on impact

"Karma's a bitch", Nate said as Ella rolled her eyes, the two then continued forward, entering another train car, not long after an explosion was heard, another car collided with the car Nate and Ella were in, both were tossed around, as the car stopped, both landed, passing out in the process; Nate was quick to come to, looking over, he saw Ella, who was passed out,

"El... El... wake up... please", Nate asked, sitting up and lightly shaking Ella, not long after, Ella opened her eyes and sat up; this time, holding her head with both hands, from what Ella could feel, it was pounding, worse than before.

"You alright", Nate asked for the third time

"I'm fine", Ella said through gritted teeth, trying to mask her pain

"No you're not, come on", Nate said, helping Ella to her feet and swinging her arm around his shoulder, only for Ella to pull it away

"I'm fine, promise, it's you that's not fine", Ella stated, looking at Nate who was still bleeding in the abdomen, his hand covering it up, as much as he wants to protest, he couldn't, Ella was right; staggering forward, through the snowstorm, the two spotted the Golden Phurba, Nate dropped down to his knees, and picked it up, Nate moved to lean against some of the wreckage, Ella joining him, both looking at the Phurba, wondering if it was really worth it.

"Come on... we can't stay here... we'll freeze if we do", Ella stated as Nate nodded his head, the two began moving forward; with a snowstorm that had blown in, it was very difficult for the two to see what was ahead, and with pain and blood loss, even harder

"Come on, we can make it", Nate said, stumbling forward through the storm, Ella trailing behind

"Nate", Ella muttered, the pain from her head becoming unbearable, causing her to fall down into the snow, passed out; Nate turned his head to see Ella, down on the ground, picking her up, he began moving forward once again, but only for a few steps before falling to his knees; right before he passed out, he saw someone walking towards them, Nate wasn't sure if it was actually someone, or just a figment of his imagination as he passed out.

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