The Chintamani Stone

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"Now... you two have been a thorn in my side for far too long, on your knees", Lazarevic ordered

"Hey, hey, uh, Zoran, we had a deal", Harry said

"I do not suffer traitors", Lazarevic stated

"Oh, right, so I suppose you know exactly how to find the stone then, won't be needing me", Harry said, manipulating Lazarevic, Lazarevic walked up to Chloe and pushed her to Harry

"On your knees", Lazarevic shouted, looking at Nate, Ella, and Elena, only for them to fight the goons, it was short lived when an arrow hit the goons, shocking the three, Shambhala's guardians popping out of nowhere, killing most of the group

"What is this, fire you fools", Lazarevic ordered, the group, or whatever was left of them began shooting

"Oh shit", Nate muttered

"Let's get out of here", Ella shouted, Chloe hit Harry in the face, taking his gun and joining up with the three as everyone ran, avoiding the guardians and Lazarevic's goons; jumping over onto a platform, it began sliding down due to Lazarevic's goons, soon everyone was thrown off and hit the ground; looking around, most of Lazarevic's goons that were after them had been impaled by sharp tree branches

"Okay... we need to get the hell out of here, now", Chloe stated

"I couldn't sleep for days after I saw that last time", Elena said, the four continued moving, with the warm breeze, the three took off their coats, and got some weapons

"Well, Lazarevic and his crew will have headed into the city, so if we can just make it back to the entrance, it should be clear by now", Chloe explained

"Uh, no, Chloe, we're going after the Chintamani Stone", Nate stated

"What", Chloe said

"We have to stop Lazarevic", Elena added

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that", Chloe asked

"All we have now is getting to the stone first and destroy it", Ella stated

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't tell me you're buying into all that supernatural nonsense", Chloe asked

"We don't know what to believe anymore", Nate stated

"Okay, well, just in case you missed it, that man is certifiable, he thinks he's fulfilling some sort of prophecy", Chloe explained, "that the stone will somehow make him invincible, immortal",

"We're standing in the middle of Shambhala and you're questioning what's possible", Elena asked

"Those... guardian things took many bullets, and didn't go down, something strange is going on here", Ella stated

"All the more reason we should get out while we still can", Chloe said

"We're just trying to set things right", Nate stated

"And maybe save the world", Elena added

"Oh god, listen sunshine, the world doesn't care, you stick your neck out, you are asking to lose your head", Chloe argued

"You said yourself you want to take him down", Ella said

"Yes, and I want to see him pay more than you do, but that's not how it will end, this... this is how it will end", Chloe stated, pointing to many skeletons

"No... not this time", Nate said

"Come on, whaddya say", Elena asked

"That you're crazy... but let's go save your bloody world", Chloe stated, the four began moving forward, through Shambhala; the guardians coming in, making it difficult for everyone, and with Lazarevic's men patrolling around, it seemed to be easier, them taking out the guardians; not long after, the four arrived at the temple, climbing up the long staircases, the four reached the room where the Chintamani Stone was housed.

"There it is, the Chintamani Stone", Elena said, the giant stone seemed to be embedded into a tree,

"I can't believe we beat them here", Chloe said, "now, let's smash it and get out of here",

"Wait a second... something isn't right... the color's off", Ella stated as Nate approached the stone, observing it

'What do you mean", Elena asked

"Marco Polo described it to be a sapphire; sapphires are a darker shade of blue, but this... this is something different", Ella explained

"Your right, Marco Polo had it wrong, it's amber", Nate stated

"Amber", Chloe said

"Yeah, y'know, fossilized resin, it's tree sap", Nate said, later looking over at a mural on the wall, "wait a minute",

"What is it", Elena asked

"You gotta be shittin' me", Nate said to himself

"Hello, Nate", Chloe called out

"I hate it when he does this", Elena said

"Nate, tell us what it", Ella asked

"It's not the stone it's the resin, it's sap from the Tree of Life", Nate stated

"Ok, hold on, you've lost me, this tree", Chloe asked, pointing to the tree the stone was in

"No... that tree", Nate said, pointing to a tall tree, right outside the temple

"There he is, Lazarevic", Elena said, looking down, Lazarevic and a few of his surviving men were heading down to the base of the tree

"Nate, the black teeth on the bodies in Borneo... the guardians have the same black teeth", Ella began

"They ate the resin... and it changed them", Nate muttered

"And that's what Lazarevic is trying to do", Chloe asked

"You really wanna wait and find out", Ella asked

"Bravo, Sherlock", Harry said, the four quickly pulling out their guns and turning around to see an injured Harry, "well done",

"Flynn", Nate asked

"Oh, Harry", Chloe said, with sympathy

"What s'matter, mate, disappointed Lazarebitch beat you to it, I'm afraid you just missed him", Harry stated, "I figured I'd stay behind and wait for you to come join my little party",

"What are you talking about", Nate asked

"Maybe that's what old Zoran wanted all along, eh", Harry stated, "he's cleverer than he looks",

"We can still stop him, we can help you", Elena said

"Sorry, love, this isn't a movie, and you're not the plucky girl who reforms the villain and saves the day; it's just not done like that", Harry stated, Ella carefully pulling Elena away and behind her, in case Harry tried anything

"Flynn, listen to me, you", Nate began, only to be stopped as Harry pulled out a grenade

"Parting gift from Lazarevic... pity he took the pin", Harry stated, releasing the grenade, the grenade was active

"Ella, move", Nate called out, Nate's voice seeming distant, not long after... Ella was pushed out of the way as the grenade exploded

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