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(A Few Days Later, Borneo)

"Chloe, you reading us", Nate asked through a walkie-talkie, he, Ella, and Sully running through the jungle outside the camp

"Loud and clear", Chloe responded

"We're getting close", Sully said

"Okay, I've planted charges all around the perimeter of the camp, you three just need to arm them", Chloe explained, "the first one should be right ahead of you",

"Found it", Ella said

"I also left the detonator for you", Chloe said

"Ah-huh, here we are", Sully said, grabbing the detonator as Nate armed the explosive

"Alright, first one's set, don't touch the button", Nate warned

"This one", Sully teased, hovering his hand over the button, later laughing as the three ran forward,

"Once you've set all the charges, just hit the detonator and it's showtime", Chloe stated

"They'll never know what hit 'em", Sully said with a laugh

"Just be careful, Lazarevic has got his men posted all around the perimeter", Chloe warned before the walkie-talkie went dead; continuing forward, everyone kept an eye out for any patrols around the area

"I'm sweatin' like a hooker on church", Sully said

"You brought a hooker to church", Nate asked

"Why not", Sully said, Nate and Ella shared a look, but said nothing, not wanting to question Sully any further; continuing forward, the three ran into Lazarevic's men; as per Chloe, "take them out quietly", carefully knocking them out, the three pressed on, only to find more of Lazarevic's men

"It is like an armed compound here; and here I thought it'd be like the compound we snuck around in", Ella whispered

"Yeah, well, that compound wasn't heavily guarded, remember", Nate retorted quietly

"True, we should be nearing the site Chloe rigged", Ella stated quietly

"Yeah, how many did she put there... six", Nate asked quietly

"Four", Sully corrected in a whisper

"Right", Nate said quietly, Sully rolled his eyes as Ella slapped him on the back of his head

"Not gonna lie... I kinda missed you doing that", Nate muttered as the three finally reached the campsite, Lazarevic's men were around the area, "here's the camp, you ready for this",

"Let's do it", Sully said quietly, sneaking in, they took out one goon, then were spotted by another, causing a gunfight, Nate, Ella, and Sully knew that they had to take them out before word got out and that was exactly what they did; once the goons were gone, the three searched around, looking for the charges Chloe set up; once all were found and armed, the three ran forward, finding two goons who were trying to drain the water in the area, quietly taking them out, the three pressed on

"What do you bet we follow the hose, we find the camp", Sully asked

"You always follow the hose, just like in Montreal, huh", Nate asked

"You're never gonna forget that, are ya", Sully asked

"I don't think he will", Ella said, the three neared the camp, there, they saw the main tent, Lazarevic was there, his back turned from them

"Okay, you ready", Sully asked quietly, holding the detonator

"Wait, just hold on a sec", Nate whispered, looking inside, Chloe was away from the men, and was the only one to take notice before patching them through on Harry and Lazarevic's conversation

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