The Temple's Location

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Making their way through the city, and dealing with more of Lazarevic's goons, Nate, Ella, and Chloe finally made it to the hotel; all that was left to do... was to make it all the way to the top, climbing in through a broken window, the elevator doors opened, and out came two of Lazarevic's soldiers, which were easily taken down, as the three stood in the elevator in silence, the elevator broke down

"Oh, well, that was unpleasant", Chloe said

"They must've hit a generator, gimmie a hand", Nate asked as he, Ella and Chloe pulled the elevator doors apart, "just a little more",

"Nate, move", Chloe shouted as Ella pushed him away from the doors before they slammed shut on him; with Nate out of the way, the doors shut, trapping Ella and Chloe inside the elevator

"It's no good, I'm gonna have to fix the power to get you guys out, you two gonna be okay", Nate asked

"Yeah, wish I'd brought something to read", Chloe stated

"Looks like the circuit breakers on the top floor, just sit tight, I'll take care of it", Nate said

"Be careful, Nate", Ella called out

"I will", Nate said, running off towards the top floor to fix the power

"So... how've you and Nate been so far", Chloe asked

"Good... hey, Chloe... what exactly happened in Istanbul", Ella asked

"Nate and Flynn were sneaking around as I was coming back; the next thing I know, the alarms went off, and Harry was dragging me away, I put the pieces together", Chloe explained, "he left Nate there, and set off the alarm to frame him; when I finally got away and learned of Nate's whereabouts, I called Victor, as he was on his way over, he asked me to call you; it took many months for my calls to get through; but after awhile, you finally answered... and here we are",

"Yeah... sorry about that, cell phone reception doesn't work underground; yet, back there, it didn't feel like days or months had passed, just hours", Ella added, "something weird was going on there, especially with what we found; three months ago, we started our expedition in daylight, after a few hours, we leave as soon as the underground began to collapse; as we made it back to town, it was three months later... neither of us couldn't believe it; after that, you called me, telling me that Nate was in prison, so I took the earliest flight to Istanbul",

"Hours to months... now that's a bit freaky", Chloe stated

"Tell me about it", Ella said as the power came back on, and the elevator began moving, the girls seemed a bit relieved that the power was back on; yet a wave of unease passed over the two, what if it wasn't Nate who fixed the power, what if Lazarevic's men were there, their unease was washed away as the doors opened and Nate stood there

"Glad to see you're alright", Ella said, approaching Nate

"Glad that you are too, come on, we're almost there", Nate stated as the two girls nodded their heads, finally reaching the rooftop, the three were greeted with a view of the city, and also a swimming pool; Nate had a not-so-grand idea and jumped into the pool.

"Marco", Nate called out

"Polo", Ella called back as Chloe sighed, "just let him have some fun, and he'll hopefully be over it",

"I doubt it", Chloe said as the three continued forward, towards the highest part of the roof, the whole city could be seen.

"Well, here we are", Chloe said

"nNw we just gotta find the right temple", Nate stated, looking through his binoculars

"Remember the symbol, it'll reveal the temple", Ella reminded

"Thank you", Nate said, looking around the area, before finding the temple with a symbol resembling the Chintamani Stone "bingo, there it is",

"That's the one", Chloe asked

"It's gotta be", Nate said

"The one in the middle of all the gunfire and explosions", Chloe asked once again, "guys, that's right where Lazarevic is camped, I was hoping we'd be heading in the opposite direction",

"Desperate times call for desperate measures", Ella said as Chloe's radio came on

"Drake and Davis have been spotted in sector eighteen",

"Ah crap... any chance this is sector nineteen", Nate asked

"Sweep the city, find them, and take them out",

"I doubt it", Ella said as the helicopter came around, doing rounds around the area the three were in

"Son of a bitch, right, time to go", Nate stated as the two girls agreed, ziplining down, off the hotel, and navigating through the city once more; on the way to the temple, the helicopter appeared, and gave the three a very tough time, as well as Lazarevic's goons, every building with cover would be blown away, allowing the helicopter to shoot at them from inside, and also making the building unstable enough that Nate, Ella, and Chloe had to jump over into another building; making their way back up on the rooftops, the helicopter returned, only for Nate Ella and Chloe to take it out, with the helicopter out of the way, the three continued their journey through the city and towards the temple.

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