A Train to Catch

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Arriving at the train yard, Nate, Ella, and Elena ducked into cover; observing everything from their rooftop cover, the train was still there, but for how long was the big question; many of Lazarevic's goons were patrolling all around the area, so running onboard wasn't an option.

"So, you got a plan B", Elena asked

"I'm working on it", Nate said, looking through binoculars, "there she is... Flynn's got her",

"Second thoughts", Elena asked

"Not for me", Ella said

"Okay, they're about to take this show on the road so we're gonna have to move fast", Nate stated, "now, I'm going in there, Ella, you're with me...",

"Nate", Elena began

"Wait, wait, wait, just listen, you never listen", Nate stated, "meanwhile, you're going to go over there, snag us one of those nice-looking...",

"4x4's", Ella helped

"4x4's... you're gonna be the wheelman, we'll sneak in, grab Chloe, and you come in right behind us", Nate stated

"With the getaway car", Elena asked

"With the getaway car", Nate finished

"Got it", Elena said

"You guys ready", Ella asked as the two nodded their heads

"Let's go", Nate said as everyone scattered, Elena heading to the cars as Nate and Ella snuck their way through the area, heading towards the train by going into a train car warehouse.

"Now what", Ella asked

"Hang on, we're gonna bust outta here", Nate stated, running towards a train car that was stopped on a ledge area, entering in the train, Nate released the brake

"Nate", Ella said in shock

"Didn't think this through", Nate said as the train car rolled down, out of the warehouse and flipped over on it's side

"Ouch", Ella said

"Way to go Nate", Nate muttered

"You ok", Ella asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, are you", Nate asked

"Yeah... I'll live, I'd say something else, but don't wanna jinx it", Ella stated, making Nate laugh

"That didn't attract too much attention, right", Nate asked, peeking out of cover, only for one of Lazarevic's goons to shoot at him, and Nate quickly ducking back into cover

"Nate... the train", Ella said, looking over, the train was beginning to move, and fast

"Come on, run to the train, and shoot at them at the same time", Nate stated as the two ran out, shooting the goons, and attempting to reach the train, but failing

"Nate, Ella, get in", Elena said, driving up to the two, as Nate and Ella jumped in, Elena floored the 4x4, getting away from the goons

"So... you got a plan C", Elena asked, catching up to the train

"Yeah, floor it", Nate said

"What", Elena said

"We're getting on that train", Ella stated

"What, are you crazy", Elena said

"Just get us close enough to jump", Nate stated

"So, how do you two plan on getting her off that speeding train", Elena asked

"We haven't thought that far ahead", Ella said

"Course not", Elena said

"Here we are... you ready", Ella asked

"Yeah", Nate said

"Now hold on, hold on... now", Elena shouted as the two jumped, looking back, Elena skidded the 4x4 to a stop due to a cliff; Nate and Ella were by themselves, the two then began climbing up the train, heading towards the front of the train, avoiding Lazarevic's men and trying to find Chloe; leaving the green forests of Nepal and into the snowy mountains of Tibet, the cold air hitting the two quick, and with the helicopter returning, it made things a bit difficult for the two; yet, once the helicopter was down, the rest of the way forward was easier, arriving in a train car, a giant goon was waiting, only to be shot down by Chloe

"Saved our asses again", Nate said, "are you alright",

"Get off the train, Nate, Ella", Chloe stated

"What are you talking about", Ella asked

"Do you have any idea what we've been through", Nate asked

"I never asked for any of your bloody heroics", Chloe stated

"Chloe, we don't have time for this", Ella argued

"You're right, so get off the train while you still can", Chloe shouted

"And leave you with them", Nate asked in anger

"You made your choice", Chloe said

"What did you expect us to do", Ella asked in anger

"I expected you guys would have my back", Chloe argued

"We did", Ella argued back

"How could you two possibly, with the other two on yours", Chloe shouted

"Well, good luck with Flynn, you deserve each other, I can't believe...", Nate stated in anger, as then a gunshot rang out, hitting Nate in the abdomen

"Nate", Ella shouted, Nate attempted to walk forward, but staggered around, Ella quickly caught him before he fell

"No", Chloe muttered in shock as Harry walked up next to Chloe, gun out, ready to shoot again

"You just don't know when to quit, do you", Harry sneered, "what, no witty remark, nothing clever to say",

"Harry, don't", Chloe shouted as Ella shot Harry's gun, throwing it out of his hand, the two retreating to a train car behind them, Ella helping Nate move

"Put them out of their misery", Harry shouted, making the two speed up; after retreating towards a few more train cars, Nate fell out of Ella's grasp

"Nate... oh god", Ella said in panic, noticing that he was losing a lot of blood

"I'm fine... hang onto something... here goes nothin'", Nate muttered, pulling out his handgun and shooting explosive barrels; the train cart de-latched itself sending the car that Nate and Ella were in, alongside other train cars to tumble down the mountainside.

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