Ella V.S. Lazarevic

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"No... you're an idiot... a really big idiot, Nate", Ella stated in panic, after the explosion, Harry died in the explosion; and Nate quickly pushed Ella out of the way, getting hit in the process

"I'm fine... I promise", Nate stated, grunting in pain

"When you're truly alright, remind me to slap you", Ella stated

"Noted", Nate muttered as she and Chloe helped him up, off the ground and the four began moving out of the temple, only to be stopped by Lazarevic's goons

"I got him, you two cover us", Chloe stated

"Alright, Elena, you're up", Ella said as she and Elena ran forward, shooting at the incoming goons, Ella sent glances over to Nate, he seemed alright, but she still couldn't help but worry, as Ella and Elena cleared the way, the two returned to Chloe, who was helping Nate walk

"Alright, I think that's the last of them, how you doing Nate", Ella asked

"Perfect", Nate said, gritting his teeth

"No he's not", Chloe corrected

"Just hang in there, we're getting you help", Ella stated, "guys, get to the gate, get Nate out of here and get him to someone, I'm staying behind to fight Lazarevic",

"You can't", Elena said

"She's right, its suicide", Chloe added

"If that stuff could really transform Lazarevic and his army, make him invincible, and if neither of us didn't stop him", Ella explained

"Then let one of us come with you", Elena asked

"No, I'm not putting either of your lives on the line, just go, get as far away from this place as you can; Harry unleashed a storm, and Lazarevic is gonna get hit by it", Ella stated, dropping down, onto another path, leading to the base of the tree

"Alright, I know what I'm doing... right", Ella asked herself, running down the stone steps and ramp and beneath the tree where Lazarevic and a small handful of his men were

"Definitely know what I'm doing", Ella muttered, observing from afar, Lazarevic kneeled down to a pool of resin, taking some sap and drank it; the sap changing him, his old wounds disappearing, making Ella's eyes widen in surprise

"Davis... Davis", Lazarevic shouted, Ella unsure of how he knew that she was there

"I don't know what the hell I'm doing", Ella muttered once again, taking aim, she shot the resin pool; the resin exploded and caught fire, Lazarevic's goons didn't survive the explosion, but Lazarevic did

"You have got to be kidding me", Ella said, Lazarevic only laughed, in her head; Ella knew... she was screwed, grabbing a gun from one of Lazarevic's goons, she began shooting at Lazarevic, but it didn't seem to affect him; as she took off running, Lazarevic chased after, shooting the resin around the tree seemed to work well, and that's what Ella did, not long after, Lazarevic was down to his knees.

"Lazarevic", Ella shouted, pointing her gun at him

"You think I am a monster, but you and Drake are no different than me, how many men have you both killed", Lazarevic asked, "how many, just today... that's it, girl... no compassion, no mercy... do it",

"No", Ella said, pointing the gun in a different direction, as much as she wanted to shoot him, a part of her couldn't; the scene in front of her reminded her of what her mother almost did to her a long time ago, and she didn't want to stoop down to her level' Lazarevic only laughed at her

"You don't have the will", Lazarevic sneered, Ella glanced up, seeing the guardians gathering around

"Maybe not... but they do", Ella stated, motioning Lazarevic to turn around, as he did, his eyes widened in horror, many guardians jumped down, all glaring at him

"No", Lazarevic shouted, getting up, only to be tackled down, and have his head and chest bashed in by the guardians; Ella didn't waste any time staying there, quickly fleeing the scene as the guardians were distracted, Ella and Lazarevic's fight had really caused a scene, Shambhala was coming down, it reminded her of her previous adventures

"Ella", Chloe called out

"Chloe, move", Ella shouted, the two running off towards the exit

"What the hell did you do back there", Chloe asked

"I saved the world... somehow, where's Nate, and Elena", Ella asked

"We made it out, I had her get Nate to the village as I came back to help, I've contacted Victor, he's on his way", Chloe stated as the three ran out of Shambhala, and out to the old monastery

"If Sully's on his way, then we'd better make it there before he does", Ella said with a laugh

"Come on, I'll drive", Chloe said as the two walked out of the monastery and began driving back to the village

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