The Location of Shambhala

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"Well, that's more like it", Chloe said, walking into the main room of the temple, the three seeing a giant statue, many objects in its hands; but what stood out, was the depiction of the Chintamani Stone right in the front, "get a load of him",

"This is definitely the right temple", Nate stated

"Well, that looks like the Chintamani Stone alright", Chloe added

"Now, all we gotta do is find the hidden entrance", Ella added as well

"Hang on, I've seen this guy before", Nate said, pulling out his new journal

"Any clues to solve the puzzle", Ella asked, snatching his journal, which Nate took back quickly

"It's the arms of the statue, they've gotta be placed in a certain order", Nate stated, "I can move them around, can I trust you to hold onto this",

"Seriously, The Nathan Drake is finally letting me hold onto his precious journal", Ella teased

"Yeah, yeah, its only temporarily", Nate stated

"Like this for example", Ella asked, holding up Drake's ring, Nate quickly touched around his neck, no ring

"How are you still able to do that without me noticing", Nate asked

"Just as you said, I'm a Great Thieving Master, I never reveal my secrets", Ella stated, tossing the ring back to Nate, who caught it with ease

"When are you gonna teach me that move", Nate asked, putting the ring back around his neck

"All in due time, young one, all in due time", Ella said, imitating a Kung-Fu master, making Nate laugh and roll his eyes; climbing up around the temple, Nate managed to move the statues arms in the correct position, with help of Ella who directed him where each arm should go in case he forgot; once all the arms were in place, the Stone figure of the Chintamani Stone opened up

"Okay, now what do we do", Chloe asked, the three approaching the statue, looking at a familiar shaped keyhole

"Girls... this isn't just a dagger, it's a key", Nate stated, holding the Phurba out and pointing to the keyhole

"Shall we see what it opens", Ella asked as Nate climbed up and inserted the Phurba into the keyhole, twisting it around a bit, the water in the temple drained, and the secret entrance was revealed

"Whaddya think, you game", Chloe asked, looking inside the entrance

"Ladies first", Nate said

"If you say so", Chloe said, entering into the secret chamber

"After you, cowboy", Ella said

"Yeah, yeah... journal, please", Nate asked, calmly

"It's already in your back pocket", Ella stated, Nate quickly reached behind him, and there, in his back pocket, was his journal

"Think you can teach me that one", Nate asked

"Once we're back... or once we're somewhere away from all this", Ella said

"I'll hold you to that", Nate said as he entered inside next, Ella right behind him

"Thank god I'm not claustrophobic", Nate muttered, the three walking forward, "you know, it's actually kinda romantic down here",

"You're idea of romance is a bit weird", Ella said

"Well, with some lights down here, and a couple other things, what do you think", Nate asked

"Ehh... I could see it... but still no, sorry", Ella said

"You're not going to get us trapped in a small dark space thirty meters underground, are you", Chloe asked

"Probably", Nate responded, going deeper underground, where they needed to go was in sight; however, the floor under the three gave weigh, a booby trap, the three landed in shallow water below; the floor above beginning to close up

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me", Chloe said as the floor above closed up, the only light coming from the room were their flashlights

"Oh, come on, could be worse, right", Nate asked, as then, on que, spikes dropped down from the ceiling, and the ceiling began moving down slowly,

"You jinxed it", Ella said

"Yep, and that's worse", Nate stated, referring to the spikes, with Chloe's help, the three managed to stop the spikes and escape the booby trap; entering the main area, climbing around the main chamber, the three were able to make their way below, there sat a small room, with a tiny beam of light shined down onto the center of the room, Nate inserted the Phurba into a metal device, the floor in front of them began to shift, revealing mountains

"Whoa, that's amazing", Chloe said

"Chloe, I know where that is", Nate said, pulling out a map, without thinking, he put the map on Ella's back, which she rolled her eyes, but stayed still

"The entrance to Shambhala must be right here", Nate muttered, due to a marker cap in his mouth, marking the area on the map and showing it to the girls

"So, we did it", Chloe asked

"We did it, yesh... we did it", Nate muttered, spitting out the marker cap

"So... what do you all say we go back, get Elena, and start heading out, we should make it before Lazarevic does", Ella stated

"Let's do it", Nate said, leaning down to kiss Ella, only for it to be interrupted, by the sound of Lazarevic's men's voices coming from the halls

"Oh, crap", Nate muttered

"If they're here... oh-no, Elena", Ella said in a worried tone

"Come on", Nate said, removing the Phurba from the metal device, the mountains falling down and back to the floor, the three moving towards the entrance

"There's only one way out, you two ready", Chloe asked

"Let's go", Nate said as the three left the room, on their way back towards the temple's entrance

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