The Path to Shambhala

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"We're getting close, I know it", Nate stated, the three descending down the steps, into the secret entrance; they opened a large door, entering a circular room, an orb representing the Chintamani Stone in the center of the room, giant Phurba's on the walls

"Here it is, the secret entrance to Shambhala", Nate said

"Nate... don't see it", Elena stated

"Neither do I", Nate said

"If I have to climb another wall...", Elena began, only to be cut off by Ella laughing to herself

"Alright... what's so funny", Nate asked

"The room is a giant puzzle, see... turn the giant Phurba's down to reveal either the door, or the next clue", Ella stated, moving most of the giant Phurba's, there, the fake stone moved upward, revealing a torch-like bowl

"How did I not see that", Nate asked

"We're almost there, I'd say it's easy to get distracted by it", Elena stated, Nate soon approached the torch-like bowl

"They went down this way", one of Lazarevic's goons shouted, alerting Nate, Ella, and Elena

"Son-of-a-bitch", Nate muttered, the three running to the sides of the door

"Now what do we do", Elena asked, the three pulling out their handguns

"Just stay behind me", Nate stated, a goon ran in the room, only for Nate to grab him

"Drop the gun... do it", Nate ordered, the goon dropped his gun as the others ran in, Lazarevic coming in soon after

"I should have killed you myself when I had the chance, not a mistake I will make twice", Lazarevic stated, putting his gun up at Nate

"Back off", Elena stated, she and Ella pointing their guns at Lazarevic

"Oh, pull the trigger, little ones, see how long you live", Lazarevic taunted, before looking towards Nate and Ella, "now, you two will open the passage to Shambhala",

"Go to hell", Nate sneered

"Are you a student of history, Mr. Drake", Lazarevic asked

"I've read a book or two", Nate stated

"Hmm, Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot...they were all great men, but do you know why they prevailed", Lazarevic asked

"I'm sure you're gonna tell us", Nate said

"Because they had the will to do what no other men would not", Lazarevic stated, shooting the goon in Nate's grasp, dead, "compassion is the enemy, mercy defeats us, now, unless you wish to test me still further, you will drop your weapons",

"Do it", Nate said, dropping his weapon, the two girls doing the same

"Kick them away", Lazarevic ordered, the three doing what he had said, "so, you have tested my will, now it's my turn to test yours",

"Killing us won't get you anywhere", Elena stated

"Killing them, yes, but you...", Lazarevic said, pointing his gun at Elena

"You kill her, then you get nothing out of us", Ella stated

"Then it appears we are at a stalemate... unless, I add another pawn to the board, bring her in", Lazarevic said, Harry soon walked into the room, dragging Chloe in and pushing her towards the three

"Now, one we will use as a lesson, and the other we will use as incentive to cooperate, you two choose", Lazarevic stated, pointing his gun at both Elena and Chloe

"This is bullshit", Chloe muttered

"Yeah, don't play into his game", Elena added

"You want our help, you let them go", Nate stated

"This is not a negotiation, who would you sacrifice, and who would you save", Lazarevic shouted

"Quit the theatrics, we'll do what you want", Nate stated, he and Ella walking forward towards the fake stone, putting blue resin in; and using Harry's lighter, the doorway to Shambhala was revealed, using the Phurba, the door opened, revealing a bridge, however, the bridge twisted, blocking their path

"What is this", Lazarevic asked

"How should I know", Harry said

"Find a way across, and fix it", Lazarevic ordered, "and take one of them with you, maybe this time it will get done right; oh, and Mr. Drake, Ms. Davis, whichever one of you he chooses, don't try anything clever",

Harry walked up to the two, grabbing Nate's arm and pulling him away, leaving the girls with Lazarevic and his goons, Ella, Elena, and Chloe gave each other worried looks; with the many goons around, there was no way they could talk to each other; after a few minutes of awkward silence later, the bridge rotated once more, allowing everyone a way across, as everyone grew close to the other side, gunfire could be heard, alongside roars of what seemed to be of monsters; as everyone entered the room, looking at the monsters, Lazarevic had taken out a shotgun and killed the remaining monsters, two goons later running forward and grabbing Nate

"What the hell are those things", Harry asked, Lazarevic took off the skull, revealing what seemed to be a human

"Scarecrows... guardians to frighten trespassers", Lazarevic stated

"Yeah, well, it's bloody effective", Harry said, kicking a dead guardian

"Lazarevic, I've done what you asked, let them go", Nate stated

"Always bargaining... but you and the girl have played your last hand, and lost", Lazarevic said

"Looks like it's the end of the road, mate", Harry stated, pointing his gun at Nate

"No, no, no, no, not yet... I want him to see Shambhala; and die knowing that I have taken it from him, open the gate", Lazarevic ordered as his goons opened the gate, sunlight had blinded everyone, and a warm breeze blew in, taking away the cold that was in the room; as the light died down, building and temples were seen, lush green trees, a lost city between the mountains of Nepal and Tibet... Shambhala.

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