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Running across the broken rooftops, Nate, Ella, and Chloe had their sights on the temple; unfortunately, Nate and Ella were separated from Chloe, maneuvering their way around, the two ran into a man who held a camera, pointing their guns at him, the man covered his face

"Hey, wait, don't shoot", the man pleaded

"Hey", a familiar voice shouted, turning their heads, the two saw Elena, "Nate, Ella, what are you two doing here",

"Elena, long time no see", Ella stated, as the man tackled Nate down

"Jeff, don't...", Elena said, putting her gun away

"Wait, you know this guy", Jeff asked

"Yeah, this is Drake, and she's Davis", Elena stated, helping Jeff up

"Oh... sorry", Jeff said, helping Nate up, but Nate refused

"So, what's your angle on all this misery", Elena asked, "you gonna plunder a few temples, loot a museum",

"It's nice to see you too", Nate said, "I suppose you're here for some noble crusade, right",

"Actually, we're trailing a fugitive war criminal, Zoran Lazarevic, have you heard of him", Elena asked, making both Nate and Ella's eyes widen in surprise

"Elena... I love you as a friend... but... ARE YOU CRAZY", Ella asked

"Isn't that NATO's job", Nate asked

"Well, they think that he's dead, killed in some bombing raid, and for your question, a little bit, I was with you guys in South America, remember", Elena stated

"Touché", Ella said

"Oh, and you're here to prove otherwise", Nate asked

"Y'know what, this guys a real monster, Nate, we're talking torture, mutilation, mass executions... but see, now he's-he's plotting something new... but why out here, why tear apart the city, y'know; it just doesn't make any sense", Elena explained, later seeing Nate and Ella's worried face, she put the pieces together, "oh... no, tell me you two don't have anything to do with this",

"That's ridiculous", Nate said with a laugh

"There you guys are, I think I lost them", Chloe stated, running up to the two, Ella facepalmed as Chloe pointed her gun out at the two

"Stand down, Chloe, they're friends", Ella muttered, Chloe nodded her head and put her gun away

"Well, we need to keep moving, if we want to stay one step ahead of Lazarevic, so...", Chloe began

"Seriously", Elena asked

"Hey, wait, wait- now don't jump to conclusions, Elena", Nate stated

"I'll explain everything later", Ella said with a sigh

"You better", Elena said with a small smile

"Uh, I'm sorry, am I sensing some history here", Chloe asked

"Oh, Elena Fisher, last year's model", Elena greeted

"Not true", Ella said

"Come on, we need to get moving", Chloe said

"Uh, wait- um, they're coming with us", Nate stated

"You can't be serious", Chloe asked

"Yeah, he is", Ella said, "besides, we can't just ditch them in the middle of this mess",

"They're only going to slow us down", Chloe argued, "and if we get caught...",

"Chloe", Nate began

"If Lazarevic catches us together", Chloe said

"We're now leaving them behind", Nate stated

"You don't always have to play the bloody hero, you know", Chloe argued, "Nate, Ella, just dance with the one who brought you, alright",

"Yeah, we get it", Ella began

"But they're still coming with us", Nate finished

"We don't need saving", Elena stated

"Thank you", Chloe breathed out

"Guys... you might wanna rethink that", Ella said, pointing towards the sky, as the group looked up, another helicopter was doing rounds of the area, no doubt Lazarevic was still looking for them; not long after, the helicopter began growing closer to the group

"Run", Chloe said as the five began running forward, Lazarevic's goons approaching fast, giving the five no time for a small break; Lazarevic was sending out the big guns, and the five were easily outnumbered, quickly maneuvering through the broken building, and avoiding Lazarevic's men, the five finally made it to the temple

"Alright, we should be safe here", Nate said

"Sully's idea of a nice, warm place, away from gunfire is starting to sound good", Ella muttered

"Did my ears hear correctly... in all the years I've known you, The Great Thieving Master, Ella Davis is admitting defeat", Nate teased with a smile

"In your dreams, you moron", Ella said with a laugh, lightly shoving Nate away, who was laughing

"What about that, huh", Nate asked

"You two brought us right to the doorstep", Chloe stated

"So, I'm guessing it's not a coincidence that we ended up here", Elena asked, "what are you two after anyway",

"See that symbol up there, it's called the Chintamani Stone, its a massive raw sapphire, it's worth millions", Nate explained

"So, let me get this straight, you're competing with a psychopathic war criminal for a mythical gemstone", Elena asked

"When you put it that way, it does sound pretty stupid", Jeff stated

"Thanks for the input, Jeff", Nate said

"And it's supposedly in this temple", Elena asked

"Not exactly, the Stone's in Shambhala, this temple will reveal it's location", Ella stated

"Shambhala", Elena asked

"You know, Shangri-La", Nate said

"Nate, Ella, can I have a word with you two for a minute", Chloe asked, dragging the two away, only for the helicopter to come around the corner, "on second thought, perhaps we should continue this conversation inside",

"Good idea, come on", Nate said, opening the doors, and everyone running inside before the helicopter could take notice, "alright, we should be safe in here, for now",

"This just doesn't add up, Lazarevic can't be after money, he doesn't need it, you two are missing something", Elena stated

"Now that you mention it, you're right, he has plenty of money considering the army for hire, but... what is it he's after... and why does this feel like El Dorado all over again", Ella asked, before being dragged away by Chloe who also dragged Nate away

"Come on, we haven't got all day, you two stay here", Chloe stated

"Promise me you'll stay put, we'll be right back", Nate said as the doors closed behind them

"Famous last words", Elena muttered

Uncharted 2, The Road to ShambhalaWhere stories live. Discover now