No Man Left Behind

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Lazarevic's men were all over the underground, Nate, Ella, and Chloe had no choice but to fight their way back towards the temple from the underground; making their way back to Elena and Jeff, hoping that Lazarevic or his goons hadn't done anything to either of them, making it back to the temple entrance, Elena and Jeff were no longer there,

"Where'd they go", Ella asked

"I knew this would happen", Chloe muttered, not long after, gunshots rang out from outside, running outside, the three saw Elena and Jeff, cornered and fighting Lazarevic's goons; as the three began shooting, the goons stopped shooting Jeff and Elena and began shooting Nate, Ella, and Chloe, once all were dead, the three ran towards Elena and Jeff, however... Jeff had been shot

"We better keep moving", Nate stated, knowing that more goons were on their way to their location as he spoke

"He's hit", Elena said

"I'm okay...", Jeff muttered

"Lemme see", Ella asked, moving Jeff's hand, revealing a bullet wound, the wound wasn't fatal, but he wouldn't be able to move without being in pain, "alright, you're gonna be fine",

"Alright, think you can stand", Nate asked

"I think so", Jeff said

"Alright, come on, I'll help you", Nate stated, helping Jeff up, off the ground, Jeff then reached down to grab the camera, but was stopped by Nate, "no, no, no, leave it, it's busted anyway",

"Nate", Chloe said

"He's fine, aren't you, chief", Nate asked, helping Jeff walk, "alright, get that door open",

"He's never gonna make it, we have to leave him", Chloe stated

"What, no", Elena protested

"Get the door open, Chloe", Nate shouted

"You're going to get us all killed", Chloe argued, kicking the door open

"Don't worry, we'll keep you guys covered", Ella stated, Elena agreeing as the five moved forward, Lazarevic's goons were around the area; Nate couldn't shoot, due to him helping Jeff move, Ella, Elena, and Chloe, kept the two covered as they moved building to building, ignoring Chloe's protests of leaving Jeff behind, and making sure Jeff was alright; making it to a safe place, Nate set Jeff down as the three girls looked at their way out

"Oh, shit", Elena said, looking down through the hole in the wall and to the ground not too far below,

"That's alright, we can make that", Chloe reassured

"We've jumped... well, technically fell and drove off higher places like this before, remember", Ella said, making Elena chuckle

"True... but he can't", Elena said, pointing to Jeff

"He will, no man left behind", Ella stated

"We don't have a choice", Chloe argued, "Nate, ok, you tried, but it's over, he can't go any further",

"We can't just leave him here to die", Nate protested

"He is as good as dead already and so are we if we don't go now", Chloe argued

"Then go", Nate said

"Yeah, nobody's stopping you", Elena stated

"Chloe...", Ella began, but was interrupted when Lazarevic's goons began to enter the building they were in

"I was trying to save your skin, you idiot", Chloe stated, moving towards the doorway, pointing her gun at the three as Harry entered the room

"What is this", Harry asked

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