The Broken Glass Incident

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A/N: It's better than it sounds. 


Hello peeps and bonbons, welcome back!

I hope you enjoyed my last chapter because I put a lot of thought into it so yeah.

If you haven't read it (unlikely), then go check it out! 

Here I have another story from the "clumsy stories" series! Cause my life is really cruddy :(

Anyway, enjoy! And no, none of these stories involve dying so um sorry no one died...?



If there's one thing my dad has told me over and over, it's to tell him to help when something goes really wrong, like if I blow up the house or if I spill a dangerous chemical, you know. 

But since he gets mad really easily, sometimes I try to handle things myself. 

Like the time I was making bath bombs, and I accidentally spilled baking soda all over the carpet. Mom made me take it outside though.

So my dad's office sometimes gives out little gifts, like computer stickers, snacks, watterbottles, and bath bomb kits (just kidding, but they have oragami kits). This one time, they sent out a brigadeiro making kit, and um, I didn't know what brigadeiros were (ノへ ̄、)

So I googled it. 

Yum, these look delish!

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Yum, these look delish!

The kit had this really delicious moldable chocolate which I thought was really cool. My dad told me to not eat all the chocolate, because he didn't want to see me in a sugar rush. 

Which is understandable cause I don't think I've ever had a sugar rush. Sugar headaches are bad enough.

So I was happily rolling my chocolate and dumping the balls into sprinkles to freeze when I pulled out another jar of chocolate from the box because I ran out. Plus, I was hungry. 

I really like milk chocolate, so I was going to try open the jar, but then I saw a bunch of cracks on the jar. I realized that the jar was actually literally shattered, but for some reason it was still holding together. 

And since I really needed this chocolate (it was non-debatable), I very STUPIDLY tried to pull out the glass shards. Out of the chocolate. Into a small bowl. 

Okay, let's all facepalm together. 

Everyone with half a brain knows that you're not supposed to TOUCH broken glass, because it's incredibly sharp and you will DEFINETLY get cut. So you probably know already how that turned out.

I reached out to pull out a small shard of glass, and it cut my right index finger, and flew somewhere in the process.

It didn't really hurt, it just stung. But my finger started bleeding like crazy. Like, there was blood all over the place. I immediently got a paper towel, but I had to get several more. Seriously, it was that bad. 

Since I knew the blood wouldn't be stopping anytime soon, I would have to tell my dad to help.

He was really mad. Like, REALLY REALLY mad. Call me a crybaby, but I started crying (really?) because he seemed really mad. He went downstairs to clean up the mess, and my mom helped he bandage the finger. She didn't really seem mad, she didn't really talk.

That is a first, ladies and gentlemen. 

I spent the rest of the evening questioning the existence of shattered glass containers. 


Yeah, it didn't really hurt, but I had to wear a bandage for the next few days, and it left behind a little scar on my finger. You can't really see it now tho :)


Have a great day peeps and bonbons <3

(jumps out window)

(window shatters)


(please stand by)

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