headaches suck

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A/N: The above should cure your headache XD


Helloooooo peeps, and sorry I haven't been active over the weekend. I dunno why I've been so lazy lately 0-0

Anyway, if you've experienced headaches in your life, then you should know that they are living HELL ;-;

So this should cure your headache

Watch me get up to my shenanigans again!

(runs around screaming)

Lol I'm writing this and listening to K-Pop at the same time :>


anyway, enjoy peeps and bonbons!


So anyone who's have a headache (which I'm sure you've had because you've probably spent way too much time on your computer once or twice) knows that they are the WORST.

I should know, I feel one coming right now, and I probably shouldn't be writing while I have a headache, but you know me, I live for the dangerous. 

But it feels like your head is literally falling APART, and you can't see clearly, and life is pain, and you feel terrible- yeah, they're the worst. They really make you feel like "Ugh, I'm just going to give up today." Jeez, I don't even know why they have to happen in the first place. Maybe it's because we're spending TOO MUCH TIME ON SCREENS HUH??

Okay, maybe I shouldn't have stayed up too late last night watching Sailor Moon clips 😅

Kids, please don't do what I do, it's really not worth it. 

You're not alone if your terrible at taking care of yourself (I need to go to bed earlier)! But seriously, at least try to, it's the best thing you can do for yourself.

Basically, don't aim for a career that requires you hanging on your computer screen at home in isolation working like a maniac. But if you have to, then I'm not gonna stop you, because I can't really. My parents don't let me leave the house by myself :(

Remember the big swim meet I had? About thirty minutes before I had to go swim, I got a really bad headache when I was waiting near the pool. It was really hot and humid near the pool, so that explains it I guess. My head felt like it was coming apart; it was that bad. I think it was a migrane, but I dunno, I didn't ask anyone cause I'm a shy idiot. 

I had to suffer like that all the way until it was my turn to swim. I didn't tell anyone I had a really bad headache because no one saw me massaging my head with my knuckles apparently. (Plus I am a shy idiot) But there was this one boy in my swim team who I think was looking at me as I was suffering. I wonder if he knew, but didn't do anything about it. Shy idiots unite?

But I felt better after I jumped into the pool, so I guess that works *shrug*

Anyway, sometimes washing your face works, taking a shower, jumping into a pool, ice, frozen peas, ice cream, your favorite stuffed animal (nerd). All are things that I've tried and they kind of work. I've heard aloe vera works too.

You know how you get them when you're stressed? And then you just feel like giving up? Yeah, that feeling's the worst right? But if you see someone suffering, you should go help them. There should be more people like that; don't just be a shy idiot like me.

If you're the one suffering, it's okay to ask for help! Be brave people <3

After I get a headache, I feel kind of dull for a little, so it helps to do a relaxing activity, like read a book, or watch Sailor Moon (that's my latest anime obsession keep up peeps).

Btw, Sailor Moon's on Netflix now, for those anime fans who also watch Netflix! So watch out for that!!

They say laughter is the best medicine too! I dunno look at some memes, or watch Pikachu mimic other Pokemon I dunno.

(he looks just like Bulbasaur lol)

Sometimes I laugh when I'm in pain (wtf??), but not when I have a headache, because I just don't have the energy. I've been lazy lately too soooooo-


Thank you so much for reading, you have no idea what it means to me hon <3

Make sure to vote on this chapter, we can do it people!!

If you've suffered from a bad headache, let me know in the comments.

Baiiii 4 now peeps and bonbons~

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