Wake up

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(this book was actually inspired by two things, one my mind being chaotic and deciding why the hell not try making a ship fic but this time attempt to make a complete story unlike lavender scales which was the first one I did which was an utter failure, The other thing that inspired me was actually a user here called EgoNation since they have some really cool books, a majority of them are Danti, however they're currently working on a ship book that has the same ship that I'm working on right now. So without further ado please enjoy, by the way this is the first pure ship fic I've worked on in a while, and I'm talking a really long while... so think of this as something similar to egonation's first Danti Fanfiction, I might at some point in the future do a remake of this, but who knows)

-3 pov-

In this world, there are different marks depending on how you've been hurt in your life, pale blue ones/icy blue ones generally symbolize physical harm from another human being, whether caused purposely or accidentally. Pale green represents emotional harm while orange represents mental harm. it just so happened that certain hero woke up and stretched his arms, having to remember the fact that he was littered in pale icy blue marks.

Jackie McLoughlin sat in his bed and looked at all the marks, he had a few from his father, he and his brothers no longer lived with, but a bunch were from bullies, he looked at his left wrist to see two pale green marks that looks like cuts, he knew he had one on the underside of his chin which managed to wrap around his right ear, he also knew from his bullies he had two of the same pale green marks on his right ankle.  Jackie stood up and got dressed, heading over to the mirror and having to live with the fact that he had a few orange scars on him, he knew he had three indefinitely, The most obvious was one that began from the under side of his left eye and went down just below his lower lip, he had another that was pretty obvious on his neck, and this time on the left side of it. he also knew from what one of his brothers told him that there was a mark on the back of his head.

Jackie sighed' better get all this covered up again' he thought to him self, putting concealer on his exposed body parts, which happened to be from the elbows down on both of his arms, his neck and face. Jackie wasn't really proud of any of the scars he had, he honestly worried more about everyone but he did have self-esteem issues from them since he let himself be beat down this much. However he also did that so no one would really know his true identity, considering he didn't Cover the injuries when he's in his hero suit. Brighton still needed a superhero, and Jackie was the only one, at least, he's never heard of another superhero in his town. As Jackie walked downstairs he saw his brother. He had a huge scar on his neck from their father, and if it wasn't already bad enough that there was a icy blue mark on him, The injury never fully healed, resulting in a gnarly scar. Jackie Took more of the physical side for the short time he and his brother were with their father, however his brother had suffered a lot more emotional abuse, which made it seem like his skin was pale green instead of its usual pale peach color.

" hey bro" Jackie said, pouring a bowl of cereal for breakfast, flinching slightly from a sharp pain in his leg. "Are you alright Jb?!" Anti said, quickly rushing to his brothers side, they're older brothers had already went to work so it was just the college student and the high school student in the house " i'm fine, guess I pushed myself last night-" "what did you do last night?! Do you fight someone with a gun!" Anti said, extremely worried about the hero. " no, I just stopped a few robbers and then I had to fight some random girl with a machete, the girl got away though... this is the fifth time she decided to do something, I think I just stepped wrong last night, that's all" Jackie said, he was able to trust his brothers with his secret, especially considering they found out by accident.

Just then the bus pulled up outside of their house, signaling Jackie had to leave. "Shit the bus, i'll be fine, you just continue your studies bro" Jackie said, grabbing his backpack from next to the front door and rushing to the bus, it was almost the last day of school and he wanted to keep his perfect record.

(OK so that is the end of chapter 1 and I want to mention who the other two brothers are, one is mute the other has a YouTube channel. Do with that information what you want, and please tell me if you want me to continue this because I really do, I just had to deal with WholesomeSnek being high, and in the Chatpad📙 group chat I have some blackmail on them >:3)

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