A killers crush

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( new p0v plus building on Melissa. There is gonna be gore In this chapter along with a reveal. Along with depth added to Melissa's friends)

-Melissa p0v-

It's been almost a week... or has it been? Either way marvie has still ignored my signaling... maybe I am acting like that girl from Yandere simulator.... nah, I have more guts than she ever will.

Anyway I need to cover my legs and stomach in foundation, as well as any new scratches. "MELISSA!! JAMIE JUST GOT KILLED BY THE MACHETE GIRL!!" My mom called, getting a smile from me.

I walked downstairs after putting on a cute dress. Maybe Marvin would like this... well, he'll be mine before the school year is over .

I stepped outside, thank fuck it's Monday again. I got on the bus and saw Marvin talking with Jackie, and my blood began to boil. 'Calm down. The two are just friends.' I though to myself, sitting next to my friends, Makayla, Shakira, and Mackenzie. " well I heard Marvin freaked out during a mini movie night from a little Birdy~" Makayla said. "Why?" I asked.

"Because of some nun" Makayla said, attracting Jaclyn's unneeded attention. " his name is Valak and he's a demon." The loser said. "Shut up orphan freak." Mackenzie said, making Shakira uncomfortable, I understand tho. Her parents abandoned her when she came out as gay. I poked Mackenzie and glared at her, thankfully she got the point and stopped laughing at her insult

Once we got to school we split up as usual. I had my first class with Marvin. "hey Marvie... would you like to meet me at the cafe down the street next Monday?~" I asked "sorry, but I'm actually gonna be busy then. I'm heading to an escape room with Jackie and some of his friends that day" he said, Looking at the white board. 'Damnit' I thought, one day, I'll get him in the sheets with me.

-Time skip brought to you by Marvin lying to avoid a date with a creep-

Once I got home I took off al my makeup and got on a bike. I rode over to a special meeting place me and Michael Kurt would meet. He was honestly hot, but He just wasn't my type. One I got to the door I knocked 3 times.
"Who is it?" A woman's voice said.

"TheScarlet painter" I said, pulling out two machetes as the door opened. I entered the room to plot out my next victim.. I can't wait for Marvin to be mine, even if I have to kill everyone he loves~

( ok this is short but like I mentioned. Also I'm gonna need to change the perverts name to Michael since I forgot that Jonathan was his name and I gave iplier the name Jonathan as well)

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