What happened

23 1 3

(this chapter is brought to you by me knowing what song I wanted to use but then forgetting it, thinking it was a Sia song, trying the initial when I thought it was which was unstoppable and realizing it wasn't it and then saying that use cheap thrills,And yes, I switched the pictures for this chapter in the last chapter because I found a picture that looked better for what happened in the last chapter)

-Marvin p0v-

I opened my eyes and sat up in a bed. "What happened last-" I began to myself, quickly being reminded of last night with a sharp pain in my stomach. 'Wait, where am I?!' I thought to myself, realizing that I was wearing someone else's shirt.

I heard what I assumed to be an alarm, which was cheep thrills by sia. I got out of the bed to investigate the alarm when the door opened. The person who entered was a little smaller then me, by 1 or two inches, so about 5'4". He had a dark brown handle bar mustache and blue eyes, with blackish brown hair and a few mental scars over his mouth, forming an X.

„ do you know sign language?„ he sighed " my aunt was deaf so me and my brother do know sign language since our dad taught us it" I replied, just does the chorus for the alarm hit

Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight~
I want cheap thrills!

It played in the awkward silence before I decided to turn off the alarm " so, where am I?" I asked " and who are you for that matter." „ my name is Jameson McLoughlin, my baby brother ended up carrying you in here last night, me and my Second youngest brother ended up patching you up„ The stranger signed. " o-ok.... but who's shirt am I in?" „ Jackie's. He's a K-pop fan„ wait, I'm in Jackie's house?! " wait, do you-" I began, only to be cut off by the sounds of three people arguing


Jameson let out an inaudible sigh„ they're arguing again.„ he signed, heading downstairs with his phone. Curious, I followed him. When we got down I recognized Jackie trying to break up the fight between who I assumed where his brothers, one Had brown hair and a small beard, he was definitely taller than me and a little lanky, he also had blue eyes. Then there was his other brother, he was closer to my height, but still a bit taller than me. His hair was a deep brown and he had a beard similar to the lankier Brother, but I also noticed that he had a ton of emotional injuries, precisely all over his body, at least from what I could see. His skin looks pale green due to the injuries. I noticed whenever he turned his head that he seemed to have a scar on his neck.

Jameson clicked on a video on his phone and it let out a loud noise, startling everyone in the room. „ Seán, anti, Jackie. What if I said about fighting at three in the morning?!„ he signed "not to..." Jackie and the pale green brother said, I was now able to get a good look at his face and I noticed that he was the only one and I have heterochromia. One of his eyes was green while the other was blue.

" well anti started it. The fucker said ketchup was a smoothie!" One, Who I assumed was Seán, shouted „and?„ there was silence for a moment " I shouldn't of escalated it" he said. that moment I piped up " ok, so I got stabbed with a machete last night and now I'm here.... i'm confused."

"Oh, thank God you're OK Marv" Jackie said, carefully hugging me, it honestly surprised me. "Wait. So you-" I started, knowing what the answer was going to be before I even finished. "Yep, we all know" the one with the scar on his neck said. "Oh! I really should introduce you to my brothers I just realize that-" Jackie said in embarrassment after letting me go from the hug. " this is my brother anti" he said, pointing to The man who just spoke "and that's Seán" he said, pointing at the one person I didn't know . "Oh, and-" he began, but this time I cut him off " he already introduced himself to me" I said, smiling.

After a little bit of talking and Seán letting me wear one of his shirts for the day, the bus had come " thank God I left my stuff at school yesterday" I said to myself quietly, I left my stuff on accident at the school but I was glad I did this time. " Bye JJ, bye anti, bye Seán!" Jackie said, leading me to the bus.

Some of the kids were surprised to see me and Jackie get on the bus at the same time, however most didn't pay attention. I felt pretty embarrassed with the eyes on us, but The girl who kept flirting with me looks like she was glaring daggers at Jackie. To be fair though I'm more likely would have developed a crush on Jackie than her, one because he isn't as crazy as she is, and two because I'm demisexual.

We both sat down and our usual spots on the bus, or at least what might become our usuals since I'm still new, but I assumed where Jackie sat was his usual spot on the bus. Kayla how to look up surprise on her face briefly but then smiled. I was wondering if she's found out who I was as well.... probably. I was just nervous about how the rest of the school day would be, but I could definitely tell I was falling for Jackie at this point, I really got to know him this morning.

(OK so I did not realize it was Friday so this is probably gonna be the last upload for a while since I'm gonna be upstate for a bit longer than I was last time, which I was only up there last week for Fourth of July weekend and now I'm heading back up, I won't have access to Internet so that will explain why I am unable to upload when I'm up there, unless I had to The water park up there which there's a chance I will be. Other than that please enjoy the chapter)

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