Gym troubles

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(Tw, this will have much more violence than the chapter with the machete girl, this will also include a bit of themes of sexual harassment in a boy snapping pictures of the girls in the girls changing room without because he's a pervert. I just wanted to warn you guys about that before I continue any further, also Kayla point of veiw! :3)

-Kayla p0v-

It was finally Jim and I got there to see my friends Jackie and Marvin. " HEY BOYS!!!" I shouted, practically running at Jackie and tackle hugging him. " hey Kayla" Jackie said, having the wind knocked out of him, I heard Marvin giggling. "Sooooo~ what Cha lovebirds talking about?" I asked him if he's in a manner, definitely embarrassing them both " k-Kayla.... Marvin isn't-" Jackie attempted to speak but Marvin cut him off  " i'm demisexual" he said, Face red with embarrassment " oh my God I didn't know I am so sorry." I said, just left the gym teacher asked everyone to head into different locker rooms based on sex. The boys went into the boys locker room and the girls went into the girls locker room, thankfully there was a gender neutral locker room for those who didn't identify with their biological sex which was a good thing.

While I was changing the most innocent student in the class came up to talk with me " hi Kayla." The young American transfer students. " oh, hi Penelope. Whaz up?" I said, causing her to giggle " I think I'm ready to tell him." " you mean Jacob?" " yeah, I know people said he's dirty minded, but he's really sweet if you take the time to get to know him" she said, I was honestly surprised that she still had a crush on Jacob. " ok, i'll get Marvin and Jackie to help me help you" I said.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside of the girls room, there were only a few girls left in the room at this point so we put on our gym clothes and went outside. What we found was, needless to say a curious situation. Jonathan Kurt was being pinned by Travis, while Jackie was yelling at him to delete something. And there were some students holding back Jacob, all in all a confusing scene. " what's going on?" I asked one of the kids

" Jonathan snuck into the girls room and took a picture of some of the girls in their undergarments. Travis noticed and asked Jackie and Jacob to help him teach the pervert respect." The kids said, I could tell I was going to get a mental scar learning that someone had taken a picture of me in my bra and underwear. "HE WHAT?!" I said, walking over to Jonathan and proceeding to kick him in the balls "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! DO YOU HAVE NO DECENCY?!" I shouted, ready to go in for another curb stop when the gym teacher began to break things up.

" what is going on here?!" He asked " this fucker snuck into the girls room and was taking pictures of them!! Shouldn't have bragged to me about it if he didn't want this!" Travis said, ready to smash Jonathan's head into the ground, but ultimately didn't because of the gym teacher. After arguing for a bit with our teacher, he decided to have Jonathan removed from the class for the rest of the day.

I walked over to Penelope to try and comfort her only to realize that she had some mental scars on her, they look like hands on her shoulders from what I saw. " you ok sweetie?" I said, promptly receiving a hug from her. " h-there was so much blood dripping down his face......" she said, which got me thinking before I realized Jackie actually caused physical harm to someone, that pervert was originally known for just having a bunch of smacks from each and every time he grab a girls butt, now he would have injuries on his face to show he got what was coming for him, it made me smile thinking about the fact that he had a black guy from my Bestie.

After that incident and calming Penelope down, gym went on as normal. Of course we had Jonas and Jim cause a ruckus with the hula hoops, but other than that it was fun, I remember chasing Marvin and Jackie around during it as the gym teacher constructed a fun form of tag.

After gym it was last period, which meant I had biology, it was the one subject that I didn't want to go to since today we would have to be dissecting frogs. A scalpel with someone clumsy like myself is really not one of the best combinations to be honest, but the biology teacher won't listen to me. As I entered the room I noticed the bio teacher glared at me " I heard what you did to my son!" She said, practically giving me a death glare " with all due respect ma'am he went into the gir-" I started, but she immediately cut me off  "as punishment for hurting my son you want to sit next to him" sh said. " all she did was kick him in the balls, she didn't do the punches to his face, and your son fucking deserve them, he's a pervert" I heard one of the students say.

" travis Connors, what are you talking about?!" Our biology teacher sneared. " if you let Kayla explain, you would've known he snuck into the girls room and decided to take pictures of the girls without clothes on, she only kicked him after she learned what he did" Travis said, surprising everyone, including myself. " and why should I care?!" " because I am in this class and I technically was recording the entire conversation, you know no your son is a pervert and a borderline sex offender, and I'm pretty sure you're still going to make Kayla sit next to him because you want him to have his grubby hands all over her. Newsflash I was recording all of that and I'm still recording it, what you said is fucking disturbing and disgusting Mrs Kurt. Expect me to report this to mr. Brody after class" The schools blackmailer, shawna selever said.

After I was escorted right next to Jonathan agave him a desk glare and held a pencil in a threatening way (or as threatening as I could) surprisingly for the rest of them. He didn't try hitting on me or grabbing me anywhere, but he did occasionally move his hand closer to my leg. However he never really got that close. After that hell hole shawna exited the class after the bell rang, with the rest of the class following.  I knew for a fact that Jonathan and mrs. Kurt weren't going to be in the school much longer after that, so I just went over to my locker and got the stuff I needed like my backpack and went over to the bus area.

Today was an event full day I do you have to say so myself, I wonder what's gonna happen next.

( ok, I have no last name for Penelope or Jacob at the moment, but I literally had an idea earlier today of what if there was a pure cinnamon roll and a dirty minded person as a couple, and it wasn't toxic and I just randomly came up with Penelope and Jacob)

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