A bloody blade

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( uhoh, more angst and extremely violent at that. This is your warning right now that this chapter contains elements of emotional physical and mental abuse as well as description of assault and a lot of angst, if you are sensitive to any of these topics I recommend you don't read this chapter. As it could be very triggering to some people like Marvins chapter, the only difference was that while Marvins chapter was him recalling the memory, this chapter is when the memory is playing out in someone's head, I'm gonna use slanted underlines to represent memories from this point on. So know text like what you're about to read represents memories, without further ado enjoy or read with viewer discretion, as it is advised)

-past Anti P0v-

I FaceTimed my new penpal, he was only a year older than me but I felt a bit of comfort having a friend like him "hey Damien, what's up?" I asked quietly as to avoid dad hearing "I'm doing great Antonio, how are you holding up?" Damien asked me.

"Well dad just yelled at me for Jackie getting a 95 on his test.... I can't take it in this house anymore because of him, but I can't leave Jackie...." I said, sighing as I looked at my younger brother, who was asleep next to me. He was all I had left since Seán and Jameson were living with each other and mom died. Suddenly I heard a pounding at my door which woke Jackie up.

I looked at both Jackie and Damien with fear before getting up and opening the door. I looked at my dad and shrank back into my room, already knowing I was gonna get hurt. My dad screamed at me for being a waste of life and the reason my mom was dead, as well as other things that hurt until Jackie screamed. I looked to see my dad with a knife, Jackie tried to save me after hanging up on Damien, however I felt the blade slice across my neck. I screamed louder than normal as I clutched my neck, which was bleeding as Jackie tried to get dad to let me go. I then blacked out as Jackie called JJ on speaker.

I woke up in the hospital in a panic, quickly calming down when I noticed my younger brother was at the end of the bed asleep. I was confused and asked a nurse what happened and was shocked to hear that my dad killed someone. From what the nurse explained, my neighbor ran in after hearing me scream and stood there for a few seconds seeing me unconscious and my dad with a knife. So my neighbor called the cops and then attempted to tackle me dad, only to be stabbed. Sadly my father punctured a vital organ of his so the neighbor died, meanwhile Jackie had called both my brothers to get me and himself out of that house, which thankfully they quickly came and Seán called the cops the second time...

"H-am I going on trial?" I asked, knowing that if me and my brother took the stands we could get her father arrested for the years of abuse. Thankfully the nurse said yes so she took my pulse, accidentally waking my younger brother up. "Antonio?" He asked, tears in his eyes. "Yeah , you good little bro?" I asked as he hugged me tightly "please don't get hurt again!" He said, clinging to my chest...

-adult Anti P0v-

I sighed, talking to my penpal dark. I was 14 at the time my dad gave me this cut and i'm 19 right now so that something. "You good green gummy bear?" Dark asked. "Yeah, and I told you to stop fucken calling me that!" I said, annoyed. He knew I hated that nickname, but he still called me it. "You sure?" "Yeah." "did you have that memory again?" "...... y-yeah"

"You know, if you come to America I could help you with that memory." Dark said "and how do you propose that?" I asked. "Well... maybe a date? I know I'm sounding stupid but maybe a date could take that memory off of your mind for a bit-" dark rambled, I could feel my face warm up when he suggested it, noticing he was blushing a little. "M-maybe that'll work." I responded, a little nervous. 'Why am I thinking like this we aren't even flirting!' I thought to myself as dark rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "M-maybe we could do a virtual date?" I said, sounding a little unsure. "I mean to see if a date would actually work!" I quickly added 'way to sound desperate anti' "sure" dark said, looking more flustered than I was. "Ok, so... when do you want to schedule it for?" I asked, mentally facepalming. 'YOU ASKED HIM ON THE DATE YOU DUMBASS!' i thought as dark said " how about 3 days from now?" He suggested, knowing that was when my dad attacked me, clever timing idea. "Sure, well.... Talk to you tomorrow?" I said, receiving a nod from dark as he hung up.

After I put my laptop on my nightstand I flopped beck on my bed, blushing to my assumption. I'm actually gonna go on my first ever date, last time I tried to ask someone out she ruined the cute lilacs I got her and said she didn't like freaks. I was actually really nervous about this, what if it ruins our friendship, what if I have a panic attack during it, so many thoughts spiraled around my head with this, all I knew was that my Penpal was gonna be my first date.

(Sorry this took so long to come out, I suffered a huge wave of motivation lack, and this chapter was partially backstory partially service for a friend of mine who wanted these two get together, so here you go! Also I might make a separate book that takes place after the events of pastel bruises to go more in depth on these two, other than that if you enjoyed the chapter there are hopefully going to be more coming if I don't run into more waves of motivation and lack. Also I started this chapter on my phone and finished it on my new drawing tablet, so there's that)

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