Hidden trauma

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( ok, Marvin angst, this was started on July 13th at 3:35 pm, reasoning that some chapters were posted on the day this was written even though I'm upstate as of writing this is because I was in an area of internet connection. This chapter is not after movie night even tho I began working on it after Movie Night. Pls understand. Heavy implications of sexual abuse towards a minor are gonna be mentioned, as well as religious trauma, mentions of physical abuse, and emotional abuse,. If you're sensitive to this I'll have a tldr at the end. Reader desecration is heavily advised on this one)

-3rd p0v-

Marvin looked at the two hand shaped mental marks on his hips. he still remembered the day he got them, along with the emotional and physical injury marks on his elbow.

He couldn't understand what he did wrong then, as he was only 10. 'None of the kids deserved what she did to them that day' Marvin thought, remembering how the nun at the church took advantage of the small group of boys that day.. he was lined up with the boys against the wall of the church and the nun, sister Amelia, had done something that resulted in 7 boys having Orange hand prints on their hips.

Marvin continued to remember how he got chewed out by the 'saint' when he didn't do what the other boys did. He knew now, but not back then. Marvin suddenly flinched at the thought of each slap he received from the nun. He was protecting his face with his elbows, resulting in a bunch of pale green and icy/pale blue marks to form on his elbows.

Marvin snapped back into reality when his older brother shook him gently by the shoulder. "Marvin, are you alright?" He asked, worry laced in his tone. Marvin just looked at Henrik and suddenly hugged him. "I-I... s-she put her... I-I didn-" he tried to say something, being cut off by his tears and Henrik. " it's ok Marv, Shes in prison now. She can't hurt you anymore. It wasn't your fault." Henrik said, wiping Marvin's tears. The only people Marvin told about the incident were his parents, his brother, the cops and the court room.

Marvin looked at his older brother and squeezed him tighter. Marvin hated the fact that Jackie managed to see the hand prints during the movie night. But he couldn't do anything about it.

After about 45 minutes, Marvin and Henrik's mom, Elaine, entered the room with Edward . "Umm, hen, is Marvin ok?" Edward asked "did he remember it again?" Elaine asked. "Ves. I've calmed him down for ze moment, but I still vouldn't mention it to him" Henrik answered, carrying his younger brother to his bedroom.

"I apologize if my question is to invasive, but what happened to Marvin?" Edward asked. "Oh, a nun took advantage of him and 6 other boys when Marvin was 10, when me and his father were still together... the sick degenerate then shouted and beat him when he... you know. He told me, Henrik and his father, and we took it to court... Amelia foster was convicted of sexual assault against 7 minors and was put on the child sex offenders list and was barred of being within 30 meters of a child, but she recently got out of jail.. please don't bring up that I told you this." Elaine said, to which Edward agreed.

-Edward iplier p0v- ( :0 new p0v!!)

I, honestly was shocked that a nun would do that. Well I knew my plans with Henrik are definitely canceled. We were gonna study at the coffee shop, and I'd try to confess to him, but his brother comes first. I pondered how to help Marvin for a few seconds and then remembered my cousin. He does live in Florida with his husband and their son, but if anyone could help, it was him.

I walked outside of the Schneeplestein household and dialed my cousins number.

"Do you how do. This is Emile pic-"

"Hey cous, it's me"

"EDWARD ?! It's been ages!! How are you?"

"I'm doing good, how's the family?"

" oh, re is just playing with Zach. What's up. Love troub-"

"No. But my c- friend's brother needs help. He has some trauma and I think he needs to get it off his chest."


"Look, I know you live in crystal city and I'm in Brighton, but the kid had a flashback to that moment and I just learned about it. I'm not gonna say what happened to him, but he needs help, and you're a child therapist-"

"Cartoon therapist, and you should tell the kids mom about me and give her my number. I'll add him to my patients list. It sounds like he needs help."

"Thanks Em."

"No problem little cous."

I hung up and re-entered the house. "Hey, miss Schneeplestein, I think I know someone who could help Marvin cope with what happened to him"

( ok, yep, it's happening. Also please be aware I'm not a therapist or a doctor, so pls understand that because I might have mis-worded some terms. And yes Marvin's parents are divorced. TLDR: Marvin was taken advantage of by a nun and had a ptsd flashback to the moment, and iplier talked to his cousin about Marvin becoming a new therapy patient.)

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