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( ok I failed to keep my promise, but idk how to make Melissa's friends interesting. But Marvin is a bit more nervous than anything. He made something up and needs to try and make the lie become truth. Homophobia is gonna be present btw. As well as an inspired sub plot which was the an important plot for one of EgoNation Danti books)

-Marvin p0v-

'Ok, I just told Melissa I'd be at an escape room with Jackie and friends. I'm stupid! I should have just said I'm not interested! Well.. how am I gonna do this, I can't keep it as a lie because that frikn girl who rule 34'ed me in art will find out... ok. I think I should just tell Kayla and Jackie about this. Yeah! They'll understand... right?' I thought, still pissed I had to lie to get her off me.

I began to look for Jackie and Kayla so I could explain the situation when I felt myself getting pulled into the boys room. I carefully looked up and saw Travis staring me down. "Why did you say that to her?" Travis snarled. "W-what do you mea-" I tried to say, being cut off by Travis lifting me up by the neck. "W-what are y-you" I managed to say, Feeling Travis tighten his grip around my neck. "You better drop your plans to head out with that f*got" he said, tightening his grip even more.

I attempted to loosen his grip by scratching at his arms and kicking at him, only to feel my head make contact with the tile wall. He proceeded to slam me against the bathroom wall for about 3 to 4 more times before I lost consciousness.

I woke up in the nurse's office with a bandage around my head. I sat up and saw a boy looking at me with concern. " wait... aren't you Patton matric?" I asked "yeah... I found you on the bathroom floor, what happened?" Patton asked. " I- I got attacked by Travis... I don't remember much, but he was pissed" I said, trying to figure out what happened, suddenly it hit me. "Right! he was pissed that I have plans to hangout with Jackie and Kayla and some others, I actually was gonna ask Jackie when he dragged me into the bathroom."

"Really?" Patton asked. "Well, I told Melissa that I was gonna head to an escape room with Jack and some of his friends." I replied nervously. Patton gasped and smiled "Could I come?!" He asked excitedly. "Sure, you are one of Jackie's friends after all. And the more the merrier" I said smiling, maybe this would be easier then I thought.

After Patton and I left the nurses office we both went to our next classes, Patton had biology while I had theater. I entered the auditorium and saw some of my classmates practicing for a play we had coming at the end of the year, I think it's a gayer version of mean girls. Some of the cast had theater at different periods.

"There you are Marvin, what happened?" The director asked, he looked annoyed. "Sorry mr. prince, I was in nurses office." I replied, hearing some giggles from the other students. After some talking, I was allowed to get into costume. I was playing Katie heron, but since It was more gay it was playing Kevin heron. I was talking to Remy katrin, who was playing Damien (I edited it for this one word because I just figured it out)

Mr. prince called us up for tweaking on the song 'where do you belong' "break a leg" Remy said.

After we finished the parts we needed to tweak, we moved onto the plastics. We had Karen smith and Gray weeniers ( Shara kendel and justin canvas) but not Regina George, so it was just one person short. Thankfully Karly covered it for her

"Woah, who sits at that table over there?"
"Don't look at them! Just don't!"
" we call those 3 the plastics, they're shiny, fake, and hard."
"They play their little mind games all around the school yard"
"They might insult your clothing, or make fun of your name "
" like they mocked Jen morcocks till she burst into flames!"
"And Mrs. Morcocks was a teacher"

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