Sweet love and new experiences

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(TW: mentions of being on ones period, mentions of inserting a tampon, rough kissing. Fun fact the first chapter that has romance isn't between marina and Jackie, also, more last names are needed)

-Kayla p0v-

I looked at Jackie and Marvin, now know that Marvin was night cat and Jackie was jackieboy man. Honestly I should have put that together before. I was feeling a little weird this morning, but brushed it off as worry for Marvin's safety. " hey marv, could I talk to you at lunch?" I asked, even I could hear the concern in my voice.

"Sure" Marvin said. I'm honestly still surprised I don't pick up earlier that Jackie was Jackieboy man, I mean, it's literally in the name!! Jackieboy man, HELL JACKIEBOY IS MY NICKNAME FOR JACKIE!! How dumb am I?! "Jackie, I'm gonna have to text you after school about something" I said as we got of the bus at the school. " ok kay" Jackie replied, hurrying into school. " you know it's better to tell him you have a crush on him upfront instead of on text"  Makayla said " for the last time  Makayla, I like Kyler, Jackie is just a friend" I said, more nastily "Jesus, sounds like your dad chewed you out again" Mackenzie teased. " shut up you two, don't you guys have booty calls to answer?" I remarked, why was i such a bitch today? "Aaawww, looks like someone finally got their period ~" Shakira said, smirking.

God damn they love to push me " aren't you on your third abortion Shakira?" I said. "Ok love, let's get you to the nurse" Kyler said, leading me to a pointless office at the moment. Once we got there Kyler told the nurse " I think Kayla's on her period Mrs Sanchez" after a few minutes she came back with a weird tube " is that-"

" yes, it goes there" Kyler said, leading me to the bathroom to put the tampon in. After I put it in I felt weird and uncomfortable. Am I meant to feel like this? "Umm...thanks for getting me to the nurses office Kyler" I said, embarrassed "no problem cutie, and I didn't know you liked me in that way~" she said " wait- how did you-" I began " I overheard your conversation with Melissa's little friends, I genuinely felt better knowing I could do this without you getting pissed" they said, before I could question her, I felt Kyler's lips crash against mine.

We fought for dominance against the locker, in which I won this time. I gently slipped my tounge into their mouth, exploring as much as I could. I pulled away 3 minutes later for air and stared into kyler's eyes. "I've liked you since the 10th day of this school year sugar plumb~" Kyler said, gently kissing my neck.

We both heard someone coughing and looked to see Jackie. " really? You guys are acting like a straight couple and making out in public? Why?!" He said, embarrassing me. Kyler seemed to be embarrassed as well since she pulled away from me. " so you two are finally a thing?" Jackie asked, to which Kyler nodded.

"I need to try and get rid of the crush I have right now, considering he wouldn't even like me back" Jackie said, looking disappointed in himself. " and who, pretell, do you happen to like?" Kyler asked "m-marv" Jackie said, blushing a bit. "Well, he might like you back" I said, trying to cheer him up, which failed miserably.

( woo!! I managed to write this whilst on my own period and it not sound cringey. This chapter was actually completed on July 10th, but won't be published until I have internet access. Pls enjoy)

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