Needed talk

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( kk, so another Kayla p0v, but this time it's not romantic. Also Marvin is developing the crush. Also also, this chapter has a switch to Marvin's home life via his p0v)

-Kayla p0v-

Ok, so Jackie caught me and Kyler making out and he likes Marvin. I did not expect this information to happen. Anyway it's lunch for me now, meaning I need to talk to Marvin. "Hey marv, can you come over here" I said dragging Marvin to a private part of the cafeteria.

" what do you wanna talk about?" He asked. "I know you're night cat marv. I'm honestly amazed, and I'm glad you're ok..." I said. Marvin looked shocked but shook it off. " I'm guessing you saw as well." "Yep. I just don't want you doing something that could kill you" I said. Marvin nodded. "Ok, also Jackie told me you were making out with-" Marvin began, to witch I quickly shut him up by carefully punching his shoulder "don't ever speak of it" I said, heading back to my partner for hugs and kisses.

-Marvin p0v-

Ok, so Kayla and Jackie know I'm night cat, and Kayla has a partner. Now I'm jealous of them. Well I knew I was gonna have to pick up my hero costume from Jackie after school. Luckily today instead of calculus I had art for the final period. Melissa kept flirting with me. Sadly i shared this period with her.

"Ok class, please show us what you've made" our art teacher said. Melissa went up first and showed something I don't wanna talk about, but I'm pretty sure what she made could be considered sexual harassment. Luckily the teacher was having none of it "MELISSA!!! YOU ARE NOT TO DRAW YOUR CLASSMATES IN SUCH A VULGAR MANNER!! HEAD TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!!" She said

I honestly felt like I was going to puke, and asked for a garbage bag, which I did throw up because of that picture. " Melissa you need to stop harassing Marvin, he's obviously not into you." Katelyn said. She's honestly a huge Godzilla nerd, so when she went up after Melissa left the room, I wasn't surprised that she made a clay model of Rodan.

After 5 or 6 other classmates I went up with the masquerade mask I made, it was more extravagant shape wise, but it just had the demisexual flag colors on it. "Wonderful mask Marvin! And I love what you did with the color" she said " thanks,I'm also planning to wear it to school on the last day" I said, I'm gonna come out to the whole school like this.


as soon as the bell rang Everyone in class got there stuff and left, leaving me and katelyn as the last two. " hey, wanna watch Godzilla Tokyo SOS with me and Corry on Sunday? You could bring your friends to!" She said, excitement in her eyes. " sure, but I need to ask them if they're up for it, as well as asking my mom and brother." I replied, smiling softly. I get to spend time with Jackie. This is one of the best outcomes ever.

-Time skip brought to you by Marvin being a demisexual disaster-

Once I got into the house I noticed Henrik was working with his 'colleague' Edward iplier. ( yep I gave him the first name Jonathan since idk his first name, also I've been watching Godzilla while I'm writing this chapter) (I just learned his name is Edward, so I'm fixing this) They were studying something for the medical school test they had, and flirting whilst they were studying. I softly giggled and spied a little more before sneaking up behind the couch. "How are you love birds doing?~" I said in a teasing tone, causing both men to blush and look at me. "MARVIN, VHAT THE HELL?!" Henrik said before switching to brother mode "VHERE VERE YOU LAST NIGHT?! MOM AND I VERE VORRIED ABOUT YOU!!!" he said in his bad German accent, I didn't have one while my brother did. But his was both heavy and bad. " I got stabbed by a machete. My mask also got damaged so Jackie, Kayla, and Jackie's brothers know the secret." I said "WHAT?!" Edward said.

I should have brought up Edward knowing my secret as well.. " well I found out Jackie is also a hero like me. So he and his brothers can keep my secret." I said, still nervous. "So, vhat you are zaying is Jackie is a hero to?" " exactly, also his brothers patched me up." I said, lifting my shirt to show the bandages.

"Huh, it's like they've done it before" Edward said, surprised. Honestly I was just surprised that they were still blushing from me embarrassing them. " well I've got to go to my room. You two keep the romance pg down here." I said, heading up to my room, hearing Henrik say "dose he veally think vere gonna have zex?" " no, but he keeps teasing us. But at least he didn't say colleagues with benefits like he did before." Edward answered. When will those two confess to each other? If I have to hear Henrik vent about how cute Edward is to him again I'm gonna just tell them to kiss.

"OH, I FORGOT TO ASK IF ITS OK FOR ME TO WATCH GODZILLA TOKYO SOS WITH SOME FRIENDS?" I called down. About 6 seconds later Henrik said " YES"

Were those two kissing? Henrik usually takes less time to respond to a question like that. Idk, but mom is gonna be worried to no end about me. Either way I need to get my hero costume back

( even with Godzilla final war happening, I still completed this, without voice to text either. That's a mystery in itself. Completed July 12th)

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