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"You are taking over my throne, Ezra." My father's voice engulfed his room.

"But Sebastian is older." I reasoned, but little did I know his decision was hard to change.

"But you are weaker. If I give you the throne and monitor your work, you will become stronger. People won't ever forget the incident at your mother's funeral. You, Ezra, showed vulnerability." He said harshly pointing his finger in my face.

But she was my mother. The only person who taught me empathy. I just cried then.

But I could never explain it to him. He didn't have feelings.

"Yes, father," I said, lowering my head.

"Very well then. Everyone will find about you soon. Be ready." He said. I nodded and stood from the chair to leave his dim office.

I didn't want the position. I didn't want his wealth. I didn't want this lifestyle.

Looking in the eyes of a traitor, I was thinking which amount of pain was he in. His flesh was burning in acid and the sight was chaotic. But I couldn't show any emotion because my father was standing next to me.

"Good job, son." Father tapped my shoulder. I nodded and looked at him.

I hated that I had his features but I was glad that I had my mother's eyes, I mean one eye. And my father hated it. He hated how I looked.

"This evening there is a dinner. One of our shareholders will come." Father announced.

"Yes, father."

"Don't disappoint." He warned. I swallowed a gulp and nodded.

He turned around leaving me annoyed a bit, but I knew I had no say in this. I had no say in anything. I was a marionette.

I felt a firm hand on my shoulder and I recognized it as my brother's.
"Don't give up, little brother."

"I hate him," I said, clenching my fist.

"We both do." He agreed.

"I will go prepare for the dinner. See you later." I said as I walked out of the warehouse.


Walking into the restaurant, I heard a loud laugh. I recognized one as my fathers and another one was unfamiliar.

"I apologize for being late, gentlemen," I said. My father's look clearly showed a hint of anger, but he quickly masked it with a chuckle.

"Oh, here he is." The unknown man chuckled.

"Ezra, sir." I shook his hand before sitting in the chair.

"Hector Lynn." He introduced.

He was famous for his tech company and he held south cartel. But I didn't know why we're we meeting him. And why my father looked so joyous.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Lynn."

"Pleasure is mine." He said.

"Son, I and Hector agreed to something that will make our cartels stronger." My father started.

Hector took a photo out of his pocket and slid it across the table to me. I lifted a photo and looked at the blonde-haired girl on it. But not any girl. She was the most beautiful I ever seen.

She had thick blonde hair with bright green eyes. Her lips were red and plump, but her whole face looked so innocent. If I had met her in person, she would have been more beautiful, I was sure of it.

"She is very beautiful. But who is she?" I asked.

"She is my daughter. Hazel Lynn." Hector noted. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why would he show me a picture of his daughter?

"Boy is confused, Xavier," Hector said looking at my father.

"Take a look at her, son, because you will be marrying her," Father said. Although I kept a stoic face, I was petrified. Did he plan to marry me without asking? But I shouldn't have been surprised at all.

"Does she know?" I asked.

"She will find out soon," Hector said. That made it so much worse. She will probably be very angry when she finds out. Nobody in their right mind would accept the marriage of convenience.

Except me. Because I already know every woman hates me. But when I saw her picture, I wished she likes me. At least a bit. She looked like a good person.

"When is the wedding?" I questioned.

"In a month. The engagement party will be held in two weeks." Father said.

"I understand."

"You made him listen to you well, Xavier." Hector laughed.

"Of course, Hector." Father snarled.


I was in my room, sitting on the chair in front of my piano. The only thing my father hasn't snatched in my life.

I put my fingers on the keys of my piano and started playing the first melody my mother taught me.

River flows in you by Yiruma.

Even if the skin on my hands was rough and unattended, I treated my piano with delicacy. I loved it.

The thought came up in my mind. I could play it for her. Maybe, she will like it or even love it. My heart fluttered thinking of it.

"Mom loved this piece." I stopped playing hearing Sebastian's voice.

"Yeah, she did." I smiled.

"How did the dinner go?" He asked.

"I'm getting married," I stated. His eyes looked like they would fall out at my statement.

"Are you okay? Actually, what the fuck?"

"Father arranged my marriage with Hector Flynn's daughter. The wedding will be held in a month." I said.

"You're always unlucky one, brother." He said making me look at him with the are-you-serious look.

"Don't look at me like that. You know I hate how Father is treating us. But we don't want to hang dead in front of a doorway, right?" He laughed. I agreed because he was correct.

"Have you seen her?" Seb asked.

"On the photo. And she is beautiful." I smiled, thinking of her again.

"Maybe, she will like you. Just be nice."

"I will, brother. I just hope she isn't like the other women I met before." I said.

"Little brother, you are a pessimist. She will like you." He reassured.

"When I look like a pirate?" I snorted.

"Hey, maybe she likes pirates." He exclaimed. I chuckled, pushing him away.

"You're a fool," I said. I loved my brother.


Hey, the first chapter is done. Thank you for voting and commenting.

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