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"So, tell me about your mother," I said and he smiled at me.

"She was a beautiful woman. I inherited her eye color. She had long blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She always looked so full of life. Even with my father. I always thought she ignored his ways. But my father was a no-good man. He still isn't." He explained with his eyes shining like the brightest stars.

"She seemed amazing," I said.

"She was. I remember when me and Sebastian we're younger. Around four to five years, I think. We were running around the house butt naked while mom was chasing us. Then I accidentally tripped on the chair and hit my head straight on the marble floor. That was the funniest and one of the worst days in my life." He said seriously. I laughed imagining butt naked child hitting its head on the floor.

"That must have hurt." I grimaced playfully.

"I still have a bump on my forehead." He said, showing me the little bump on his forehead.

"Did you get a concussion?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I was lucky. But mom still called the doctor. She was always there for us and I couldn't be more proud to have a mother like her honestly." He said.

"I see whose personality you got." I chuckled.

"If you want to ever have children with me, I promise you to be nothing like my father." He said as he reached for my hand across the table.

"I know you won't, Ezra. Your father has an evil heart and you don't. You know how it is to love and care. That's why you'll never be like your father." I said.

"Thank you. I never heard someone saying that. Usually, it's quite the opposite.'' He said.

Why was everyone misconceived about him? Even me. He is nothing but a good man at heart.

''I'm sorry for the things I told you before. I was terribly wrong.'' I apologized.

When I remembered telling him that I hated him, hurt me all over again. I never hated someone, except Nate. I don't even know why I said that to him when I think about it.

Ezra pulled my hand and motioned me to get up. He sat me in his lap and wrapped his buff arms around my waist. I felt so small in his arms but secure.

''I don't want you to be sorry for anyone. I know that a lot of people don't like me and I'm fine with that.'' He explained.

''But it's not right, Ezra,'' I argued.

''But I don't care.'' He mimicked my voice which earned him an arm slap. He chuckled and kissed my cheek making it like a heater.

''I need to ask you something,'' I said and reached for my purse. I took my phone out and typed those articles about him.

''Who is this?'' I said showing him the picture of him and some woman in a red dress coming out of the restaurant.

Then he started laughing.

He almost clutched his stomach but it earned him a glare.
''Little jealous, are we?'' He teased.

''Answer me.'' I requested.

''That's my business partner and she is like forty or something. But had a little face lifting so she looks younger.'' He explained. I nodded and showed him the other one.

''She is one of the assisans. I assigned her. And she fancied Sebastian more.'' I blushed knowing he was telling the truth. And the third one.

''Oh, that one. I had to accompany her to the dinner and persuade her to sign the deal. That was one of the times I was the most nervous. That woman was scary.'' He said.

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