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Stupid me.

I almost told him I loved him. But I do love him.

How can I tell him that after knowing how much I hurt him in the beginning?

I was stupid and unreasonable. He showed me nothing but kindness and I rejected him so many times.

''Hazel dear, what are you thinking about early in the morning?'' I heard the voice I hated the most in this house.

''Nothing, father-in-law. How are you this morning?'' I asked.

''Running the business like always. Are they any news? It's been more than a month or so.'' He asked, sitting at the head of a table. He reached for the freshly cooked eggs and bacon on the side.

''Unfortunately, not yet. The test came out negative.'' I lied. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow as if he was suspicious of me. I nonchalantly shrugged and shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth.

''Have you taken an accurate test?'' He asked. I refrained from rolling my eyes at his shit questions.

''Yes. Three times.'' I said, lying again.

''You want to show that attitude in my house, Hazel. I don't care who's the daughter you are. You're married in this house and you're going to respect me.'' He snarled.

''That's where you are wrong, Xavier. I'm not married to this house or you. I'm married to your son. And it's on us to decide when we are going to have a child.'' I said, feeling angry, and got up to leave the table.

''Bon appetit,'' I said, leaving him speechless.

He ruined my morning and my breakfast. I will tell Ezra about him but I doubt he will do something about it because he is scared of that bitch.


''Where were you all day?'' I asked when Ezra entered the room. I wished he would come back earlier and rest more.

''I was at the office.'' He answered and wrapped his arms around me.

I was a little mad at him but his hug melted all of my anger. I hugged him back firmly and rested my head on his chest.

''I missed you all day,'' I whispered.

''I missed you too. I couldn't come back earlier. We had a lot of work.'' He explained.

''It's okay. Have you at least eaten something?'' I asked.

''I had a take-out.'' I nodded, pleased to hear that he wasn't starving.

''Go shower and join me to bed. We need to talk.'' I said.

I put my pillow a bit up on the headboard and leaned on it. I wanted to talk with him about what happened with his father in the morning.

I heard the water stop in the bathroom and the door opened. Ezra got out with Calvin Klein boxers. I swear, he looked so hot in that pair. And he was definitely gifted in that part.

He joined me on the bed as I went to cuddle in his chest.
''What did you want to talk about?'' He asked.

''Your father,'' I said. I heard him sigh.

''He wants that grandchild, Ezra. And I lied to him twice that we are trying. This morning I told him the tests were negative.'' I explained.

''You were telling him we are trying? What if he finds out the truth?'' He asked.

''He won't have to because I'm ready, Ezra,'' I said. He slowly pushed me away and sat up in the bed.

''Baby, you don't have to do that because of the pressure my father has been putting on you. When you're fully ready because of your own will, then we are going to try for the baby. Do you understand?'' He asked.

He wasn't understanding. It wasn't only because of the baby, but I wanted him. My heart was already his and I wanted my body to be too. It's been more than a month since we got married for crying out loud.

I wanted him to make love to me and maybe a baby will come on the way. I was ready but I was afraid he wasn't. And it made me feel like he doesn't want it at all.

I dressed sexy for him. I wore those stupid lingeries for a full week straight. I wasn't sleeping in my nightgown for the one sole purpose.

But no. He didn't make a move on me. Just a kiss for a good night and that was it. It fucking frustrated me.

''You don't like me. You don't want me at all.'' I said and turned my back on him. I pulled a thin cover over my body even if it was a fucking heat in the room.

He leaned over my shoulder and removed the hair that fell over my face.
''You're right, Hazel. I don't like you because I love you. And I want you so fucking much. Especially when you dress in these sexy lingeries that cover nothing.'' He whispered in my ear and it got me in flames.

''You noticed?'' I asked.

''Every night you looked fuckable, my angel.'' He smiled. My cheeks heated up and I almost fainted.

''I thought you didn't want me. And it was fucking uncomfortable sleeping in these.'' I said as I smacked his chest. He chuckled and brought my hand that smacked him, up to kiss my fingers.

''I'm sorry. I didn't realize.'' He said apologetically.

''I love you too, Ezra. And I want you to make love to me tonight.'' I said, cupping his cheek. His lips came crashing down on mine as he pulled my face up.

I moaned at the intensity as my arm went over his neck. I knew that he loved me just as much as I did. And he showed me that night. And every night from then on.


Aww. The last chapter before the epilogue.
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