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"You've done a great job, brother. Guns are back and father doesn't seem as angry." Sebastian praised and I felt happy.

"Thanks. It's a good thing then." I chuckled. My mind drifted off to the day in the coffee shop.

No, Ezra. Forget about it.

"You don't look like yourself these past few days. What's going on?" He said, pushing on my shoulder as we walked back to our rooms.

"When I went that day to the coffee shop, I saw her. But she was with her boyfriend." I admitted.

"A boyfriend. Her father didn't tell her yet?" He questioned as I shook my head.

"How did you feel?" He asked cautiously like I would break down.

"I felt a bit sad. But she looked happy so I will try to tell Father and Hector to break the deal." I said.

"But, why? You like her. Like a lot." He said and stopped me from walking.

"Just because of that I want to break it off. She would be unhappy and that will make me unhappy too. And he was better looking than me so I could never compete with him. They looked good together." I explained as he raised an eyebrow.

"And what was better looking on him than you?" Seb asked.

"He has blonde hair and he is bulkier than me. If you have seen them, you would think they are perfect together."

"That's it? You don't know what his personality is or is he even in love with her. People these days are not trustworthy. You can't judge a book by its cover." He explained looking frustrated.

"I know. But if you saw her smile when she talked to him, you would know that they are happy." I shrugged.

We split when I reached my room first. I was thinking about Sebastian's words and decided to investigate him. Although I wanted her happy, I also didn't want her to get hurt.

I sat in front of my piano and started playing Gymnopèdie by Erik Satie. The music matched my emotions and I released all my worries into it bringing me into a peaceful state.

I finished and closed the keyboard. I had to tell my father about breaking the engagement. With that thought, I left the room and headed to my father's office.

I knocked before entering. He was sitting in the chair, doing nothing but drinking whiskey.
"Father, I have some things to talk about." I started.

"What it is now?" He said calmly.

"It's about my marriage. I found out Hector's daughter already has a boyfriend. I'm not sure about engagement anymore." I explained when he looked at me harshly.

"You're refusing the marriage, is that it?" He shouted. My blood became cold and a shiver ran down my spine.

"I'm not refusing. I'm just saying she may refuse the marriage because of her current lover." I said.

"Do you think we care about your wishes? You're going by my commands and she will listen to Hector's. I don't care about her pathetic little boyfriend. You are marrying her and stop overthinking about it." He said. My hands started shaking as I put them in a fist to calm myself down.

"I understand."

"Leave then." He ordered and I soon found myself out. Well, that hurt for starters. I feel like I didn't try enough but his simple answer told me everything and his tone told me what was going to happen if I kept pushing his buttons.

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