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Calm down.

Calm down.

It's just the meeting.

For the first freaking time.

''Brother, you look pale,'' Sebastian said. I looked in the mirror to see that I indeed looked like I saw a ghost three times.

''I can't help but be nervous. What do you expect? I'm meeting her for the first time. Chances are the ninety-nine percent that she will hate me like usual. It's a bit different now because I like her." I explained.

"Why are you so pessimistic, Ezra? Look at you. You are a fine guy and the most important is that you will treat her with respect." He said making me feel a tad bit better.

"The only good things in my life were when our mother was alive and you still standing by my side. I can't seem to find happiness anywhere." I said. He hugged me and it reminded me of our mother. She was an angel.

"Good things come with patience. Maybe, she will like you when she realizes that you are the best husband she could have." I looked in the mirror and hope appeared.

I will try my best to be the best guy she ever met. I will try to make her happy.

"Thank you, Sebastian." I smiled.

We left the house and got into the limousine with my brother and father. We were all silent as father checked both of our attires and looked away, meaning he approved of it. I had rings in my pocket, eagerly waiting.

We arrived at the gala which was filled with rich mafia people. The only day in a year where there were no fights or arguments. Enemies were always going to hate each other, but on this day it was a bit bearable.

"You're going to meet Hector's daughter in the back and then we are announcing the engagement. I want everything to go smooth." My father warned and I nodded.

We sauntered inside the enormous building where the big ballroom was. It felt overwhelming with all the scents of perfumes and alcohol. Women held their men's arms tightly as everyone was engaged in the conversation.

I followed my father as Sebastian stayed back. I wanted him to come but the father wouldn't allow it. He wanted us to be alone with her and Hector. I supposed her mother was going to be there.

My father opened the door of the room in the back and I was met with the wonderful sight. Her dress was amazing and it hugged her body tightly. I never knew someone could look that good until I looked at her.

Her eyes immediately met my one and she had such a fierce look. But it looked soft. And she smiled. We're my eyes deceiving me? I don't think so. She really had a small smile on her face.

"I'm glad that you arrived. Meet my wife Olivia and my daughter Hazel." Hector introduced. I looked at her mother that was an older version of Hazel and shook her hand gently.

"My name is Ezra," I said. Hazel then extended her hand and I felt like I was touching the hand of an angel. Her skin was soft and gentle to touch. I found myself entranced.

"Nice to meet you, Ezra." She said as I snapped out of my thoughts. I let her hand down but wanted to hold it forever. My name on her lips tasted like sugar and I wanted to hear it forever.

"When you are ready, we can go out to announce the engagement." My father said, cutting short every moment I had to talk with her even if it was a sentence.

I looked down when I put my arched arm for Hazel to hold it. She didn't hesitate to take it and it surprised me. I felt the happiest man when thinking she actually likes me. I forgot about her boyfriend and focused on staying happy.

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