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My alarm went off but I buried my face deeper in the pillow. And it was making me fall asleep as I purposely set some light melody. I don't know how people endure those blasting alarm sounds.

There was a knock on my door as I knew it was Marie. She always checked my room early in the morning because she knows I fall asleep every time. The door opened and I wriggled around to get up.

"Good morning, Marie." I yawned.

"It's not Marie, but good morning to you too." It was his voice.

I gasped and threw a pillow at him. But unfortunately missed him.
"What are you in my room? Get out!" I yelled now, wide awake.

"I'm sorry." He said before closing the door. I sighed in relief as my hands went to my head. My eyes widened when I realized how many knots I had in my head. It probably looked like a bird's nest.

And he had seen me like that? I wanted to cry from the embarrassment.

But wait! Why did I care? I didn't like him. I shouldn't care. Maybe he will stay away from me when he sees how ugly I look in the morning. I smirked and went to the bathroom to have a nice shower.

When I finished, I wrapped the towel around me and exited the bathroom before going to my closet but not before noticing him on my bed on his phone. Just when I thought he won't notice me, he looked up.

"Ezra! Why are you here again?!" I screamed at him.

"Sorry!" He said and covered his other eye with his hand. Cute.

Wait, what? Did I just say he looked cute? Shut up, Hazel. Just shut up. I started hallucinating. It's still the morning.

I dressed up and did my makeup. I can't go anywhere without my makeup. I have to put at least something on my face. It's a habit I developed since I was in high school.

I found him again on my bed, sitting there unbothered. This man. I want to beat him up.

"Can you explain to me why are you sitting here still?" I said as he turned around. He stood up towering over my already tall frame.

"Your father told me to come with you downstairs when you get ready." He said, looking at the floor.

"That's it? You're here just because he told you to be?" I asked bewildered.

"Yes." He answered. I shook my head as I walked ahead of him.

"Aren't you a boss or something?" I asked as we walked down the hallway.

"I am." Here we go again with those short answers. Can't he form a sentence of few words rather than just one or two? He annoys me.

"Then why do you listen to what my father says?" He shrugged and looked ahead. What a jawline. I thought and cursed myself for thinking that.

"Please, don't look at me." He said, not looking at me but he knew I was staring at him.

"Why? Does it bother you?" I said, purposely staring at him more.

"Yes." He said shortly and I stopped looking at him. This man had problems.

I was his future "wife", why would it bother him if I stared at him or not? He is going to look at me every day so why shouldn't I do it too.

I shook off every thought about him. We reached the dining room where Marie served the breakfast. It looked delicious.

"Good morning!" I said and sat down on my chair. My mother and father were already waiting for us and it made me a bit guilty that I took so long in a shower.

I looked up to see Ezra standing next to my chair. He looked lost. I refrained from rolling my eyes and pulled on his sleeve to sit next to me.

"You two finally showed up. I'm very glad that you came here, Ezra." My father said.

"Thank you, Mr. Lynn. I wanted to take Hazel to the reception hall. I would like her opinion on it." Ezra said as I raised my eyebrow. He didn't even tell me beforehand.

"Sure. Your father and I already agreed on calling some of our acquaintances." Dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"Is something a matter, Hazel?" Dad asked.

"Your acquaintances are probably five hundred people. Why should we have such a big wedding?" I asked.

"Because it would be appropriate." He answered.

"You are in the mafia, dad. You don't know the word appropriate." I snorted.

"Hazel, let me be at least in the morning." He said. I went back to the eating but noticed Ezra wasn't moving. I looked up at him to see that he looked deep in thoughts. His lashes were long and his nose twitched slightly. Then he bumped my leg as if telling me to not look at him like before.

We finished with the breakfast and we got ready to go. Ezra waited for me in the car as I went to get my purse. It felt weird driving in the same car with him. Especially when he was a slow driver unlike me.

"Can you drive faster?" I asked.

"It's a red light." He answered as I looked up to see why we stopped. Involuntary blush reached my cheeks. But decided to push his buttons. He seemed like he had no nerve in his body.

"It's hot. Turn the AC on." I said. His long fingers reached and turned it on.

"Does radio work? Why are you not turning it on?" I questioned.

"It works." He said and turned the classical music on. I was surprised because it was my favorite type of music.

"Did you stalk me?" I asked furiously.


"Then why did you put this music on?" I crossed my arms waiting for his answer.

"I usually listen to this." He said and cleared his throat as if he was embarrassed. There was no way I had the same music taste like him. Unbelievable.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

"You can change it if you want." He said. I shook my head and looked out the window. I have to admit that he surprised me but it didn't make me like him.



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