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Stupid dinner.

I groaned in frustration while rolling in my bed. Since the day we went to see the reception hall, I haven't seen my soon-to-be husband. It's been three days since that and yesterday evening I was told that today I had to accompany him to some dinner.

Apparently, he is supposed to meet with some of his alliances, and because we are engaged I'm supposed to be by his side like my father told me. And that didn't sit with me. Why do I even need to go there?

I jolted up when I heard a knock on the door. And thank God that Marie was the one who entered. I still have a fear that he will come here anytime.

"Miss, your afternoon nap is done?" She asked and brought me a cup of coffee.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost five p.m." She calmly answered. My eyes widened. I slept for three hours but that wasn't important. The dinner was at six and Ezra would come in an hour to pick me up.

"I'm going to be late, Marie," I said and rushed into the bathroom. I had to shave, do my makeup, dress up... I was going to be late.

I did some makeup just like I usually do and set for nude-colored overall. I didn't want to look like I did much, but at the same time, I did. And I didn't want to look like I clown there.

I wore my heels and took my purse. I took a couple of selfies because I looked good and why not? But then I became self-conscious and realized I was already thirty minutes late.

I walked down the stairs when I heard voices. It sounded like my father and Ezra. When I reached the last step, both of them looked at me. I caught Ezra looking at me briefly before his look wandered to the side.

"I'm ready," I announced. Ezra looked at my father before approaching me and put his hand out. I refrained from rolling my eyes at his fake kindness.

We bid goodbye to my father who seemed to like how Ezra held me. Well, I didn't. I never will.

"You look nice." He said following with the cough. But it wasn't like he was clearing his throat. He looked a bit sick.

"Are you alright? You seem pale." I said.

"I'm fine. Just a little sore throat." He answered, getting red in cheeks. I didn't think it was a blush. He looked like he had a fever but didn't want to admit it.

"Whatever you say but don't pass out from your sore throat," I mocked him. He didn't say anything as we got inside the car. It made me confused as to why he never had a driver. My father had and frankly, all bosses did.

I turned on the music and my favorite piece started playing. The ride was calm and I felt peaceful. Ezra didn't talk anything like usual and I didn't babble like usual. It felt normal to sit next to him in a car while we were driving to the restaurant.

When we reached the restaurant I noticed that there weren't many people inside. So I assumed it was rented just for this evening's dinner.

"This is my restaurant. I closed it today just for the dinner. There are some people that I will introduce you to. We are a bit late but it's fine." He explained. Firstly, I was surprised that he wasn't mad because we were late, and secondly, that was the longest he talked to me. I didn't know for which to be more surprised.

"Alright," I said as we got out of the car.

We reached hands in hands together when all eyes were on us. There were three men with a woman by their side. I looked over them when my eyes caught one of the younger women starting at Ezra.

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