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His hands were shaking when he was putting the ring on. He looked nervous. But I didn't let that deceive me.

I heard what those women said. And I wasn't surprised. But why did it bother me? It was probably the feeling that I was his soon-to-be wife.

I didn't like him at all. Not because of his look. I didn't care about it. I despised him for not trying to break off the deal. At least his father should have listened when mine is stubborn as hell. His father seemed nice.

But he did look handsome. He had a nice defined jawline and straight nose. His skin looked clear with a bit of stubble. But I didn't catch his eye color. He never looked at me properly.

My phone rang making me open my eyes.
"Yes?" I answered.

"Good morning." I heard a deep voice. I opened my mouth to ask who that was but he beat me to it.

"It's Ezra. Sorry if I scared you and for waking you up so early." He quickly said. His breathing sounded heavy and I didn't know why.

"Why did you call?" I was surprised by the calmness of my voice when I was supposed to sound angry.

"It's about the wedding. I have no time today so it's on you to decide about everything. You can go buy a wedding dress if you want. I will send you my credit card by my driver." I smirked to myself. Even tho this is all fake and I hate him, I will make out the best of this. Even if I drain his credit card.

"Alright." I chirped.

"Goodbye." He said.

"By-" He hung down before I could finish, leaving me to frown. He should have at least wait for me to say goodbye.


I almost forgot about him. I have to tell him today. After my father's threat the last time, I couldn't be close to him. I had no choice. I had to officially end it today.


"Nate. You have to understand me. I have no choice but to accept it." I said frustrated that he wouldn't understand me.

"I think you do have a choice but you just won't even try. It's obvious that you like your future husband so you have no objections." He chuckled sarcastically.

"I don't like him. I have to marry him." I exclaimed.

"I don't care anymore. You decided for yourself." He said in a final tone.

"It's over then," I said. It was a strange feeling that I didn't have any remorse or feeling sadness.

"Nate, it's tickling me." I laughed as he trailed butterfly kisses down my jawline.

"Are you giving in?" He smirked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and pushed him away.

"Giving in what?" I asked.

"Sex. What else?" My eyes widened.

"No, Nate. I'm not ready and I want to wait till marriage. If I marry you one day then I will know that you are the right guy." I explained. His smile faltered and he retreated in his seat.

"I understand. It's the right decision."  He smiled and kissed my cheek. I sighed in relief and smiled back.

Now, I had to do it with someone who I didn't even like. But I knew it will happen sooner or later after we get married. It just what our parents expect from us.

"It was nice knowing you, Hazel." He said and opened the door of my car. I breathed out when it closed and he left. I had no fear anymore that murder would happen.

I looked in the backseat to see a big pink box sitting prettily. It was my wedding dress that I had to choose alone. My mom didn't have time to come with me and I had no friends. I didn't care.

I started my car and drove off home. While driving my phone rang again and I've seen Ezra's name that I previously saved. I connected the phone to my car and answered it.

"Hello, Hazel." He said and I felt goosebumps rise on my skin. His voice was always deep and...manly.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just wanted to check if everything went well."

"It did. I ordered a cake and bought a wedding dress. When I am supposed to give you back your credit card?" I asked. I didn't buy the wedding dress only. I took a couple of things for myself too.

"It can stay with you in case you need it. I'm glad that you bought everything you needed. I'm sure I'll like everything you decided for." He said. I could sense a hint of happiness in his tone. But he did leave me his credit card for use.

"Good." He said. There was a short silence until he spoke again.

"How are you?" I don't know why that question set me off. He didn't have any reason to be kind to me and use that tone of his voice.

"I know what you are trying to do. And I won't fall for your act. So stop being nice to me." I boomed.

"Yes, of course. I apologize." He said and hung down. I fumed in anger when he ended the call. How dare he? I was the angry one so I was supposed to end the call. He is so annoying.


Hazel is a little spoiled, don't you think?
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