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He was in the bathroom for more than an hour. We just got back from the doctor's appointment and Ezra didn't take the news so lightly.

I heard him punch the vanity closet and then a thud. Most likely he fell on the floor. I let him release his frustration and anger. But it was enough.

"Love, will you get out? You're hurting me like this. Speak to me." I said, knocking softly on the door.

I waited for a few moments until the door opened slowly. My husband's face was wet from tears and it made me almost cry out.

"Why are you doing yourself like this?" I choked out. My heart was burning in pain from seeing him like this.

I gently pulled on his hand and sat him on the bed. He looked so drained from life and lifeless.

"I'm incapable of everything. I'm useless. Nothing works. Not even my fucking sperm." He cursed. I shook my head and sat on his lap. I knew how much he calmed down when I was close to him.

"I don't want to hear you saying this ever again. I swear, Ezra, you're hurting me like this." I said.

"But haven't you heard what the doctor said? I can't give you children." I rested his head on my chest and started massaging his scalp.

"Why are you twisting the doctor's words? He said that chances are lower than average couples. I'm telling you that we can have as many kids as we want." He sighed.

"We can try other ways than natural." He suggested. I controlled from smacking some sense into him. I knew he was desperate but I believed in him. I knew we could have children without doctor's methods.

"We are capable of having kids on our own, alright? And I promise you to beat your ass for saying shit like this." I warned. I could feel him smile against my skin and I knew I made him feel better.

"I'm sorry. Ever since I was a child, there were some problems with my health. I thought one thing will be easy." He said. I kissed his temple as I felt his arms tightening around my waist.

"You're the most amazing man. I am so lucky to have you in my life, hun. One day, we are going to be old and have our children grow up. Then grandchildren will come on the way. Don't you want to try for that, Ezra? I love you so fucking much to let you ever beat yourself for something that isn't your fault." I said.

"I know. I will try for that and you because I love you just as much. I won't make you disappointed." He said. I smiled and lifted his head to kiss him.

Three years later


I have received a note that my father has passed away. I haven't felt any remorse and who knew that he had stage four cancer. He got what he deserved after what he did to my mom, to my brother, and to me.

I bounced Ethan on my leg as he bit on his toy. My one-year-old son was a ball of joy and I wouldn't trade him for anything. He got my features but he was pretty just like his mommy.

My phone rang and I shifted Ethan in my arms when he started being impatient.

"Are you coming to the funeral?" Sebastian asked.

"I don't know. Hazel is in the fourth month and she is not feeling well. It will be stressful for her.'' I said.

''I understand. I heard there aren't going to be many people. I'm also debating if I will go or not.'' He said.

Ethan started wiggling from my arms and I haven't realized my wife entered the room. She smiled as Ethan ran to her. He almost fell before she caught him.

''Do what you want, Sebastian. I'm not going. He didn't deserve us to attend his funeral.'' I spat. Hazel sat next to me and rubbed my back. I relaxed instantly and just because she touched me.

''I will think. But I agree with you. I need to go. Ray will be mad if I don't show up on time.'' He chuckled.

''I will see you soon,'' I said and ended the call.

I leaned to kiss my wife and rubbed her stomach. I felt a movement just when I touched it. It was like something flipped.

''How do you feel?'' I asked.

''He left me to be at peace today.'' She said, referring to the baby.

She looked beautiful when she was pregnant. She was glowing like an angel.

''Mama!'' Ethan whined.

''Attention seeker,'' I mumbled. Hazel nudged me and got up, taking Ethan with her.

''You haven't even fed your son and he is getting all fussy.'' She scolded.

''I was going to but Sebastian called. I wouldn't let him be hungry.'' I snorted.

Ethan started kicking with his legs as I jumped to my feet and took him in my arms. He could've kicked her stomach.

''No kicking mommy, Ethan,'' I said.

''It's fine, Ezra. Don't be dramatic.'' She laughed. Well, that was a mood change from being mad at me to being happy.

''Let's go eat,'' I said.

At the table, I was feeding Ethan as we ate in peace but Hazel had to say something. I loved hearing her talk but sometimes some topics shouldn't even be opened.

''Your dad passed away.'' She said.

''Yeah, I know.''

''Are you going to the funeral?'' She asked curiously. I put a spoon in Ethan's mouth as he greedily ate. Well, he did look hungry.

''No. Sebastian might. But I don't want to.'' I said.

''If I went to tell you what to do by my heart, I would tell you not to go. He wasn't the father that every child needs. We have a family now and I want to forget everything about him and the things he has done.'' She said.

''I agree, love. It's time we finally are at peace.'' I said, kissing her hand.

Ethan started extending his arms to Hazel and she put him on his lap with a smile.

''You little...'' I said refraining from saying something I shouldn't about my one-year-old son.

''You love me more than daddy?'' Hazel cooed. Ethan looked at her and turned his head to me before extending his arms in my direction.

''Clearly, he doesn't,'' I smirked seeing the nasty look Hazel gave me. But soon she was laughing her ass off when Ethan threw a spoon with baby food in my face.

My wife was an amazing woman and she gifted me with children. With family.


That was the end. I hoped you enjoyed it.
Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting.

Love y'all.

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