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She just graduated with her master's degree in economics. I couldn't be more proud of my fiancee, even if she didn't know that yet.

My father seemed in a good mood if I could call it. Since the dinner, he acted very pleasedly. And it was a relief.

I didn't want to seem like a stalker but every morning for the past week I have been checking on her social media to see if she put something new. That is what stalkers do.

I pushed back my thoughts and got up from the bed. Feeling very happy, I walked into the bathroom and showered.

Hector didn't call me at all to tell me if he told Hazel about the marriage. When I look at her photos, she looks so free-spirited it makes me jealous. So I know she's going to be mad.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked to my room when my phone rang. It was my father.

"Father." I firmly said.

"Mexicans are doing problems on the border again. Get your ass in the warehouse right now." He growled as my heart thumped loudly.

"Yes, father," I said as he hung down.

I rushed to my wardrobe and got dressed in a suit. When my father was angry, he was angry. And just when I thought he was in a good mood. My mouth seemed cursed.

I unlocked my car and sped off, not caring about traffic lights. It was early in the morning anyway. I just cared about not getting beaten by my father.

I arrived at the warehouse and rushed inside as beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I adjusted my eye patch when my father came in view. He got up from the chair he was sitting in, surrounded by the men and my brother with his head down.

He brought his hand up and slapped me with the force. My head tilted aside from the impact. It hurt badly.

"You are a boss. And you're late." He yelled.

"I apologize," I said. My eyes almost teared. Almost.

"Mexicans stole our guns that were supposed to ship in Brazil. And these two assholes let that happen." He said pointing at Jeff and Klaus. Those were my friends and not just workers. I couldn't let anything happen to them.

"I will discipline them, father," I said.

"How?" He smirked sadistically as I gulped.


"Very well. We need to attack them and take back what's ours. They can't get away with it." Father ordered.

"Simon and Sebastian, stay. The rest of you prepare." I requested. Simon was our third in command and I had a lot of trust in him. He understood me.

"Yes, Boss." I heard them mutter before leaving the room. I cleared my throat and looked into my father's eyes to see him looking carefully at me.

"Let's begin."


"That went well, brother," Sebastian said as I nodded. We sat at the table together and I didn't notice he brought me an ice cube. He held it in his hand and it was slowly melting.

"Your cheek is swollen." He stated. I took the ice cube and pressed it on my cheek. It felt amazing to cool it down. My cheek was burning until now.


"Sorry for what happened." He said as I shook my head.

"We went over this. It's not the first time. And you have nothing to be sorry about." I reassured.

"There are going to be better days. I can't wait when he is going to die." Sebastian joked making me smile.

"Even then, his spirit is going to hunt us." I laughed.

"I don't want to think about it." He grimaced. I got up from the chair and hugged him.

"I love you, brother," I said.

"Love you too, little brother." He chuckled.

"I'm going to take a coffee and then return to observe training."

I arrived half an hour later at my favorite coffee shop. I've been going there for years and I love it because there is also a piano. And I'm crazy about playing it.

"Good morning, sir. Usual?" The woman asked. I nodded as she turned to make my caramel macchiato. I never liked black coffee or something without sugar. It's tasted so bitter.

I turned my head around and my eye caught the most beautiful woman. My fiancee. I didn't know why I started being nervous because first, I wasn't that close to her, and second, she didn't even know me.

She was much prettier in real life than in the pictures. Her face was angel-like and she was smiling too. Her hair looked neat and her teeth were like shiny pearls that made her smile more beautiful.

My heart started beating faster and it scared me because I didn't know what that feeling was. Is it love at the first sight? Does that even exist?

I asked myself but had no answer. I just knew that I wanted to protect her and care for her. And those feeling were enough.

The smile on my lips faltered and my heart was being stabbed by hundreds of knives when I watched her kiss someone. The boy I didn't notice was sitting across her.

He held her delicate hand that I wanted to hold. I've seen him kissing the lips, I wanted to kiss. It was messed up.

But I wasn't jealous. I wasn't allowed to be. She looked happy with him and it was enough for me to know that. My mom never taught me to be jealous of someone's happiness. Therefore, I couldn't.

"Sir? Your coffee." The lady said and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I apologize." I smiled and left her a tip for waiting. Her eyes widened as I grabbed my cup.

"Sir, it's a hundred dollars. I can't accept it." She panicked.

"It's okay. Thank you for coffee and have a nice day." I said and rushed out of the coffee shop when I realized a lot of people were looking at me. I didn't even look at my fiancee for the last time. But soon, she won't be. I'll try my hardest for her not to be.


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