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I opened my eyes to see that I was in a dark room. It was a night and I was in a hospital room.

I could feel the pain in the right side of the abdomen. That motherfucker stabbed me when I least expected it. When I find him from where is he hiding now, I will kill him with my bare face.

While I was thinking of the ways to torture him, something shifted on my left side. Then I noticed a mop of blonde hair. I smiled inwardly and brought my hand to her face.

She slept uncomfortably and I didn't want her to have a sore neck in the morning.
''Hazel,'' I called. She stirred and lifted her head. I must have woken her up too suddenly.

''Ezra, you awake?'' She asked.

''Yes, sweetheart. Come here.'' I smiled and tapped my side.

''You are hurt.'' She hesitated.

''I'm fine. Lay next to me.'' I said, moving to my right. She climbed on the bed when her head laid on my chest. I brought my arm behind her back and pulled her closer.

''Do you feel alright?'' She asked.

''I feel okay. The wound does stings a bit tho.'' I said. Her hand came up to my cheek as she started caressing it softly. It made me sleepy in a few moments.

''Who did it, love?'' She asked. Even if she wanted to sound normal, there was so much hatred in her voice.

''Nate. He was following us, or me. Because of what I did to him.'' I answered. There was no hiding from her and it would be useless because she would find out anyway.

''I will take care of it.'' I followed after. She shook her hand and planted her lips on mine. I tenderly kissed her back and instinctively pulled her closer.

''No, sweetheart. I will take care of it. You need to rest and not be worried. I don't want to hear a word.'' She said.

''Whatever you want,'' I answered. If she wanted to do it instead of me, who was I to say no. She was cranky all the time since the incident with him happened so it was good she wanted to let the anger come out.

We fell asleep together to not find her in the morning. Just the message on the nightstand.

See you soon. I went to take care of what I should have done weeks ago. Stay in the bed and rest or I will beat your ass if I find out you haven't listened to me.

Stay safe, love.


I called Carlos as soon as I left the note on the nightstand. I kissed my husband before leaving him to sleep peacefully.

Carlos told me they found him in a matter of two hours and he was brought to the warehouse.

Ah, Nate. You didn't know who were you dealing with.

I showered and changed into jeans and a T-shirt. I did my hair in a bun because it was going to get messy.

I was full of rage and anger. I needed to get it off just like in good old times. I wasn't innocent. Far from it. I killed over 10 people my dad assigned me. Then it was time to take a break.

Ezra doesn't even know who he married. I can be a crazy bitch when I want to.

I took my car and drove to the warehouse. It was my first time going there and luckily Carlos sent me the address beforehand.

The building was big and seemed like a normal storage space. But we knew what was going on in there.

I entered the warehouse and one of the men led me to the back. He typed in a code and the door opened. The room was dim and the only light was above the bastard who hurt my husband.

It felt nice seeing him tied on a chair, looking helpless. And soon lifeless.

''Hazel, is that you?'' He croaked out.

''Hi, Nate.'' I smiled. He furrowed his eyebrows.

''Hazel, what's going on? Why am I tied here?'' He raised his voice which pissed me off more.

I pulled the chair in front of him and sat down. It pleased me to see him like this. After all, he has done unforgivable shit.

''You cheated on me for three months, maybe more. I helped you pay your rent about three times and you never paid me back. You called me a bitch when I was nothing but good to you. Now, do you know why are you here?'' I asked.

''I'm sorry. I was a jerk then.'' He said, faking his apologetic face.

''But that's not all, Nate. Yesterday, you hurt my husband. The husband I deeply care about.'' I said. My heart leaped on the mention of Ezra.

''He beat me up first.'' He said. I scanned his face that was still bruised. His nose had a bandage over it and it made him look funny. The thought of Ezra being stronger than him and beating him up that hard, made me horny. I wanted to go back and jump him.

''I don't see you stabbed, Nate,'' I said.

''He got what he deserved, that son of a bi..'' Before he finished the sentence, I slapped him across the face.

''Now, you will get what you deserve too.'' I smiled sadistically.

''Carlos, bring me the thickest knife with the sharp end. Please.'' I asked. Nate's eyes widened and he started trying to untie himself which earned him a chuckle from the men around the room.

He handed me a fairly heavy knife and I inspected it attentively. It had a wooden handle painted in black and it was a lovely grey color.

''Nate, do you remember what happened to the prime minister about two years ago?'' I asked. He was thinking before answering.

''He was found in his bed slaughtered to death. No one could forget that horror. But why do you...'' He looked up to my eyes when he realized.

''Bingo.'' I chuckled.

''Ma'am, it was you?'' Carlos asked shocked.

''Of course, it was me,'' I said.

''You're fucking crazy.'' Nate spat. I brought the knife up and smashed it into his leg making him scream out in pain. The men around me jumped in fright and stepped back.

''Thank you for your compliment,'' I said.

''Now, the doctor said my husband's liver was damaged,'' I said, thinking.

I pierced his skin under the ribcage and shoved it deeply. Another scream was like Beethoven's sonata to me. And I love classical music.

''I think I missed the spot. Let's try again.'' I smirked and pulled the knife out before stabbing it back a few inches away from the first wound was.

I did that around ten times until his stomach was bleeding out. I knew he was dying soon when I saw his eyes closing. I felt satisfied. He was in pain and on the brink of death. His eyes were lifeless just how I wanted them to be. He looked like a masterpiece once I was done.

I heard gagging noises and the door closing. Someone was nauseous. Was it because of the sight? Probably.

''Well, seems I'm done here. Carlos, if you will be kind, please clean up. Or have someone do it.'' I said. Carlos nodded as I dropped the dirty knife and turned around to exit the door.

All the people who were behind the door turned to look at me.
''You're all doing a good job. It was nice seeing you. Keep up.'' I smiled and waved at them as I went to my car.

I needed a rest.


Thank you for voting and commenting. I think the title of the song suited this chapter.

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