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Thank you for being my first kiss.

Was it really?

I had my first kiss with Nate, obviously. But he still hasn't. I thought he would already have his first everything since he was five years older than me.

I was so confused.

But magazines and headlines were always about him seen with some women.

Have I misunderstood him?

Last night I couldn't even comprehend what happened. I just knew I had the best kiss of my life. With my husband.

He was so passionate and gentle. I was on cloud 9 kissing him. And when he squ- no, no. It's better not to think about it.

''What are you thinking about, love?'' Ezra mumbled. I snapped out of my thoughts and exhaled a breath.

''Nothing,'' I said. He nuzzled his nose in my neck when I felt him inhale deeply.

Shivers ran down my spine when his lips pressed against my skin. I squeezed his hand that was on my stomach unintentionally. His other hand that was on my boob went to my neck where he caressed it gently.

''Ezra.'' I moaned lowly.

His every touch lit a fire in my body.

''I need to go to work. I will take you out for the dinner later.'' He said. A blush crept to my cheeks and I found myself nodding.

''Wear anything you want.'' He said, stopping my thoughts.

''Okay,'' I said when his warmth left my body. He got up and went to shower while I stayed in bed thinking what should I do.

I contemplated a bit more before deciding that I should do some shopping. We needed brighter sheets because it felt suffocating with black ones. I needed a vanity table and some new clothes. Maybe some lingerie.

I took a shower quickly while he was dressing in the closet. I knew he gave me his credit card before but I never used it since the first time.

"Are you done?" I heard him ask, following with the knock on the door. I wrapped the robe around my waist securely before opening the door.

"You're leaving?" I pouted. He chuckled and pulled me to his chest.

"I must leave but don't forget about tonight." He smiled with that sweet face of his. He was handsome like a grown man but his smile was childlike which I loved.

"I won't," I said before grabbing his face to connect my lips with his.

He groaned before grabbing my waist until I stood on my tippy toes. He savaged my mouth while I held onto his shoulders for dear life. He was rough, yet so passionate. I loved every kiss we had until now.

"I need to go." He mumbled. I chuckled and pecked his lips one more time before letting him go. When he left, I was alone in the room and realized how much I like his company.

I'm sorry for misunderstanding you, Ezra.


"Carlos, hurry up! I need to get ready." I ushered my bodyguard. I smirked when I saw him rolling his eyes while having to carry all of my bags.

"Yes, ma'am." He grumbled.

I bought everything I needed and I couldn't wait for Ezra's reaction. I think he would love it.

I drove back home to see my father-in-law's car. I wasn't expecting him to be home early. Xavier can be a scary man sometimes even if he smiles at me.

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