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I hate to admit it but waking up next to Ezra, only on rare occasions, felt divine. My face pressed against his bare back that weirdly smelled real good. It must be from my body wash that I lent him.

He grumbled something in his sleep before turning on his back and almost crushing my face. Luckily I got away in time. He still peacefully slept now turned on his back.

I rubbed my eyes and propped myself on my elbow looking up at him. I looked over his torso that was well built and brought my fingers slightly above his abs.

One, two.

Three, four.

Five, six.

Seven, eight.


He has an eight-pack. And a very prominent one. I do have a pudge down my stomach but was never bothered by it. Now that I'm seeing his body, I want to meet his fitness level. He must have been working hard for it.

"What are you doing?" He said huskily. Something weird churned in my stomach at the tone of his voice. His voice was usually deep but the morning voice was to die for.

And the position I was in was quite embarrassing. I was hovering over his abs with my hand on them. Me touching him woke him up.

"I saw something on your stomach and went to move it." I lied. I swiftly removed from him as he lifted on his elbows and stared at his stomach. His abs looked hard to touch and I really wanted it. Never have I saw someone this good-looking.

"What was it?" He asked, looking down.

"A fly, I think." I lied. He nodded and got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To shower." He said and walked into the bathroom. I laid back on my side and snorted at the body pillow under my legs. You're no help. I thought before pushing it down.

I took my phone, wanting to spend my time doing something while Ezra was showering.

A notification popped above and it slightly freaked me out that it was Nate. I looked around the room to see that Ezra is not out yet. I clicked on the notification and messages opened.

It's me, Nate. I didn't know if you deleted my number or not. I wanted to ask you if you want to meet today. I regret how we said goodbye and I hoped we could become friends.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise at his message. I never expected him to react like this. But his words sounded regretful and I never wanted to be with someone on bad terms. And we departed while being mad at each other.

Sure, Nate. In 10, coffee shop.

I sent the message and turned off my phone when I heard the door open. Ezra came out of the foggy bathroom. A white towel wrapped around his waist, uncovering his V-line. He had a smaller towel on his hair and that damned eye patch was on.

"I'm done." He announced.

"Did you really shower with that thing on your eye?" I asked, putting my feet in my fluffy pink slippers.

"Of course not. I take it off while showering." He retorted.

"Ezra, you wear that everywhere. How can you not be uncomfortable when you sleep?" I scoffed. 

"Because it doesn't look nice. And it would make you uncomfortable." He murmured the last part. I almost snorted.

"Nothing can make me uncomfortable. And I'm honestly telling you this." I said. I looked at him briefly and held a small smile on his perfectly sculpted face. I felt like something leaped in my stomach seeing his smile for the first time.

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