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So she took her love
For to gaze awhile
Upon the fields of barley
In his arms, she fell as her hair came down
Among the fields of gold

Will you stay with me?
Will you be my love?
Upon the fields of barley
We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we lie in fields of gold.

"Did you like it, honey?"  Mommy asked when she stopped playing. I believed my mommy was an angel sent from heaven. I always fell asleep when she sang to me at night.

"Yeah, mommy. Can you play another one, please?"  I pleaded. She only smiled and kissed my forehead before putting her fingers on the keys.

Before she could start playing, the door slammed open. Father came inside and I could see his eye twitching when he saw me near mommy. My mommy looked like she saw a ghost.

"So here you are. I already told you not to teach him that stupid shit." He snarled and pushed mommy away before grabbing my upper arm. My arm hurt but I didn't want to cry.

"I will kill you if I see something like this again." He threatened mommy. I wanted to claw at his hand but I was so scared.

I woke up from the nightmare when I heard the same melody of the song I was dreaming of. And Hazel was the one playing it. The sun was already up and I assumed she woke up early.

She stopped playing and turned around. Her smile faltered when she saw me. I didn't know what I looked like but I could feel the bead of sweat running down my forehead.

She got up and sat on the edge of the bed before getting a tissue. She started wiping my forehead and face gently without asking.

"You alright now?" She asked.

"I had a nightmare," I said.

"You want to tell?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Okay. Let's shower. I bought you more of the wrap you need while showering." She said.

I nodded and got up with her help. My wound has felt a bit better for the past few days now. I could finally take a shower.

Hazel didn't leave me by myself like I thought she would. She went straight with me to the bathroom. I stopped her hands when she started pulling the shirt over me. She raised her eyebrow in question.

"I can shower by myself. It's fine." I chuckled nervously. Redness crept up to my ears while speaking.

"You're injured and I won't risk you slipping on the floor or hurting yourself more." She said and removed my shirt. I let her pull down my shorts, leaving me in boxers. She could see it.

She took the wrap and put it around my wound carefully. I didn't feel anything because she was gentle with me.

I stopped her hands once more when she put her fingers on the waistband of my underwear.
''I can do it,'' I said and she shrugged, leaving me to it.

She backed away and put her hair in a bun on top of her head. My eyebrows furrowed at her actions. She still wasn't leaving the bathroom. She is going to take a shower with me?

I was shaking when she slid down her shorts, leaving her in lace panties.
''You are taking a shower with me, sweetheart?'' I asked.

''Yes. You don't expect me to leave you alone with the wound? And you need a good scrubbing.'' She said. My cheeks heated up but I decided to let her do what she wanted.

She removed her shirt when her bare chest showed. Oh, boy.

''You don't wear a bra?'' I asked.

''You don't expect me to wear a bra while sleeping, right? That's uncomfortable.'' She said.

I removed my boxers when she glanced at it and removed her look right away. Was it small for her?

''What's wrong?'' I asked disappointedly. She looked at me and blushed.

''It's big.'' She answered timidly.


''Let's just take a shower.'' She said pushing me to sit on the bench. She entered being fully bare and I didn't want her to see how my lower part reacted.

''You have a tattoo?'' I asked, seeing two butterflies on the side of her abdomen.

''Yes. I got it when I was 18.'' She answered while lathering my skin with her body wash.

I felt bad that she had to kneel in front of me but she refused to move, saying she is okay like that and it's easier to wash me.

''You still haven't told me what did you do to Nate,'' I said. She was massaging my hair with her delicate fingers and it made me sleepy. I leaned my head on her chest and she giggled.

''I did some things. But he deserved it and I don't feel bad at all.'' She said with a smile on her beautiful face.

''I heard that the men were frightened after what happened,'' I said. I remembered Carlos' face when he said that my wife is not quite normal.

''Did they? I haven't noticed.'' She answered.

''I bet it was hot,'' I smirked.

''All you think about is me being hot doing nothing. Your hormones are showing, baby.'' She chuckled. I lifted my head from her chest and pressed my lips on hers. She responded by wrapping her hands around my neck.

''Because you are hot,'' I said breathlessly. She smiled and I didn't miss the redness on her cheeks.

We finished with the showering and she cleaned up around my stitches before putting a new bandage around it. She helped me so much what I wouldn't do by myself.

''Thank you, sweetheart,'' I said, kissing her gently.

''You don't have to thank me. I did it because I about you.'' She said as she turned away from me.

I pulled her back on my lap before she ran away. Her face was red and it was probably the thousandth time she blushed in the last few hours.

''I lo-care about you too.'' I teased. She buried her face in my neck and giggled. I knew about one thing - I loved my wife and she loved me.


Something short for the filler chapter. 
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