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The wedding day


I don't want this wedding.

I don't want him.

He is a womanizer. I could never have children with him. I could never touch him intimately. I despise him.

But if I'm angry, why am I crying? The frustration is too big and I want to blow up our house and ran away. But that's not an option.

I could never hide anywhere. They would find me in a matter of three days. And I don't want to spend my life running and hiding. I always had to accept my fate.

''Hazel dear, are you done with the showering? We need to get you ready.'' I heard my mom's soft voice and decided that I should get up.

My face was puffy and my eyes were red. I washed my face with cold water and put a damp towel on my eyes to suppress a sting.

''I'm ready, mom,'' I said.

I opened the door and looked at my mom who was talking on the phone. She saw me and smiled before ending the call.

''You look fresh. Makeup artists will come now. Go sit at your vanity table.'' She said and I listened.

''I hired the most professional makeup artists that are working for popular brands. You will look marvelous, baby.'' She said and kissed the crown of my head.

''Momma loves you, sweetheart. Even if I don't show that often.'' She said. My eyes watered and I turned around to hug her.

''I know, mom. I love you too.'' She chuckled and tightened the hold on me. I understood that we rarely had moments like that, but I loved every bit of it.

There was a knock on the door and two girls and a man entered. They had makeup bags in each hand. I greeted them as they set everything on my vanity table.

''The bride looks ready to start.'' The older one said.

''I guess I am.'' I smiled a little.

''Jeremy will do the hair. Nicol will take care of your nails and I will do your makeup look. My name is Jessica.'' She instructed and introduced herself.

''Thank you for coming here,'' I said. My mom squeezed my shoulders gently and left the room to leave them working.

I imagined myself getting makeup for some random event and not my wedding day. But I failed and it made me nervous. I wanted to dig a hole and hide in it.

''Your eyes are a bit puffy, darling. Have you been crying?'' Jessica asked.

''I had a moment with my mom earlier,'' I said.

''That's totally understandable. I remember when I was getting married. I wasn't feeling that happy too but I loved my husband. Don't worry. It's your wedding and you can do whatever you want or feel however you want. It's your day today.'' She said and it made a tad bit better.

Even if I didn't love Ezra, I wanted to feel how I decided it. I at least wanted my emotions to be free. Ezra had his freedom but why couldn't I? It tormented me.


I want it.

I want this wedding.

I know she doesn't like me but I do. We don't have freedom of choice, I'm aware of that but at least I want to make her happy. Because she makes me happy when I see her face only or when she insults me. I know that my excitement talks through me but I can't help it.

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