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That night I heard everything they were talking about.

That old man wanted me to give him a grandson? There was no way I would ever sleep with Ezra.

Ezra's words pissed me off more. He said we consumed our marriage when the truth was far from it. How could he lie to his father?

I was angry and confused at his actions. Now, his father would really expect a child soon. But I won't let that happen.

That night, Ezra came into the room and showered before falling asleep. He didn't tell me anything about what happened and it only proved to me how he wasn't trustworthy.

I was pulled back in reality when a pan fell on the floor. I was attempting to make breakfast for myself but had no success. And how long did Melody take in a simple grocery shopping?

I never touched a kitchen, except the fridge and now I didn't know how to make scrambled eggs with bacon. I tried using Google but it confused me even more so I gave up in the end.

''Hazel! What are you doing?'' Melody squeaked behind me.

I looked at the countertop to see eggshells and one spilled egg. There were dirty papers from me trying to wipe it off and forgetting it there. It looked like a mess.

''Sorry, Melody. I tried making the breakfast by myself.'' I looked at her apologetically.

''You look like you have never been in the kitchen.'' She chuckled.

''I have but I didn't use it,'' I said, bit my smile back.

''Do you want to learn a few things?'' She asked. I nodded eagerly.

My parents never let me do anything and now I feel it's paying back to me. I can't even make a basic breakfast for myself.

''I would be grateful if you could.''


''I don't think it's a good idea, Seb. Hazel will ask where I am.'' I said unsurely.

''Then tell her.'' He said. I punched his arm lightly when he started laughing.

''I won't tell her that I'm in a club because of you.'' I hissed.

''But we always go once in a while together. Why should it change now that you're married?'' He asked.

''Married for almost a week, not a year,'' I answered.

''I'm not forcing you to find a girl. I'm telling you to accompany me to find a girl.'' He smirked acting all smart.

''Okay. This one time.'' I said, giving up. 

''You're the best little brother ever.'' He said as he pulled me out of my chair.

I followed him out of my office to our cars. I followed with my car behind him as he drove to a club. More exactly a strip club. But what was funnier - we never went to a strip club before.

He parked near the entrance where only VIP customers could park and I put my car next to his.

''Why did we come to a strip club?'' I asked as soon as I got out of the car.

''Why not?'' He asked looking confused but I noticed mischief in his eyes. I wanted to go back home, but he already went inside. I followed behind him shortly.

We sat at the booth where there was a stage with the pole next to it. The dancer who had long legs and platinum blonde hair spun magnificently around the pole. It was amazing how they could spin and twirl like that without getting dizziness.

''She looks beautiful, doesn't she?'' Sebastian asked. I reluctantly nodded. She looked okay, but nobody could look more beautiful than my wife.

''I will leave soon,'' I noted and he nodded.

''I like her, Ezra,'' Sebastian said as he looked at the blonde dancer who looked in her own world.

''Then ask her out.'' I shrugged. Finding out that my brother liked someone wasn't some news, but he seemed to like like her. And that was something new.

He drank a shot of tequila before standing up and going putting his hand up. The blonde girl noticed him and smiled before accepting his hand and coming down the stage.

I figured out there was nothing for me to do here anymore so I headed out of the club to go home to my wife.

I can't stop calling her my wife.

I smiled at my own thoughts and entered my car. I was sure my father was already asleep since it was late. Hazel should have been also asleep.

I arrived home and walked through dark hallways carefully until I reached our room. Our.

I entered quietly and walked to the bathroom.

''Where have you been?'' I jumped in fright when the bed lamp turned on. Hazel was looking at me expectantly.

''In my office.'' I breathed out, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

''Then why are you sneaking in?'' She asked.

''I thought you were sleeping,'' I said.

''Whatever.'' She mumbled as her head fell back on the pillow.

I showered quickly and put on shorts. I decided against the shirt because for a few days now, the summer heat was killing me.

I joined her on the bed and laid on my side. That big body pillow was between us and I wanted it gone but Hazel would then be uncomfortable.

I closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep.

But then...

''Ezra.'' She frightened me once again. I felt her hair on my shoulder and her breath was fanning my neck. I immediately got sweatier.

''Yes, Hazel?'' I asked.

''Why do you smell like me?'' She asked. My cheeks flamed and my heart fluttered as in a child.

''I finished the bottle of my body wash so I used yours,'' I said.

''Buy yourself a new one tomorrow.'' She said and removed herself from my back. I heard her shuffle on the other side until she settled.

''Good night, Hazel,'' I said and I fell asleep with a smile after hearing her words.

''Good night, Ezra.''


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