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I stumbled into "our" room with Ezra following me behind. I was a little tipsy but I saw clearly in front of me. My heel caught in my dress suddenly making me almost fall. 

Warm hands wrapped around my waist and I was back on my feet.
"Be careful." He warned and the warmth of his hands disappeared. I could feel that her hands were big and his fingers were long and thick.

But his touch was gentle.

Don't let that deceive you, Hazel.

I scolded myself internally. He may be gentle at first but his bad side will show later.

"Is this our bed?" I mocked him.

"Yes. This was my room but now we are sharing it." He said but my eyes stuck to the thing in his room. The piano. He had a beautiful wooden piano.

"You have a piano," I stated.

"Yes, I do."

"It's amazing." I sighed. I sat at the edge of the bed and looked up at him. I don't know how many times this evening I thought he looked handsome. Because he really did. And the hairstyle suited him.

"Will you sleep with me now?" I asked. If I have to lose my virginity, it's better to lose it now and in the morning I won't remember.

"Of course."

My eyes snapped to his to see him looking excited. The look he had in his eyes only spoke happiness and it made me disgusted. Hair on my body rose at the thought that he would touch me where no other man did.

"I already made the arrangements if you don't mind. Your side will be the left one and I bought this body pillow to fit between us. I hope you won't be uncomfortable." I looked at him bewildered.

So he didn't mean to sleep in that way. But I could see that he got excited. I got up and took few steps until I stood in front of him. He wanted to back away but I wrapped my arms around his neck holding him near.

"I didn't mean that kind of sleep, Ezra," I whispered.

"Then you meant..." He started, not daring to finish the sentence. I nodded as my lips ghosted over his. The tension was high and I didn't want to stop.

But he pushed me away.

"I'm not ready." He said making my eyes widen.

"You are not ready?" I scoffed. He nodded as he lowered his head.

"I'm sorry if you were expecting that from me. But I can't. Not while you hate me." He explained. Those words stirred something in my stomach.

"I'm going to change," I said and walked to the door that was supposed to be a bathroom. And I was delighted when I saw a huge bathroom. It was fairly clean and two white fluffy robes were hanging near the shower.

I slid down my wedding dress and kicked it away. The same went with my lingering before I entered the shower. I sat on the bench and turned the shower on, letting the water soak my body.

I didn't know what to think about anymore. Ezra acted so innocently that it made me think that it was him. His personality. But how can a mafia boss be innocent? I don't know which one is it, but I started getting delusional.

Once I finished with the shower, I got out and wiped my makeup off completely. I got out in a robe and saw him asleep on the bed in his suit. I entered the closet and took a pair of shorts and a shirt. I remember my mom telling me that she will send me my clothes tomorrow.

The shirt smelled like lavender and it calmed me. I laid on the other side of the body pillow which separated us. And fell asleep in a matter of seconds with the thought that my husband is sleeping next to me.


I opened my eyes slowly and almost jumped out of the bed. This was the scariest time I woke up. But it's not because something ugly was in front of me, it was because something beautiful was sleeping peacefully.

Her angelic-like face was far from mine just for a few inches. Her beautiful hair was sprawled around the pillow and it made her look like a princess.

I inched my face closer until her cute button-up nose was touching mine. It felt weird but at the same time, it was cute for me.

I didn't mean that kind of sleep, Ezra.

Her words haunted my mind and it made me question myself. Did she really want me to take her? I was inexperienced and she had a boyfriend so I supposed she knew everything about that stuff.

But she hates me and I can't allow myself to be with her when I want to make love to her and she has those feelings towards me. It wouldn't seem right.

I pulled away and slowly got up so I couldn't disturb her. I fell asleep in my suit and my hair was a dirty mess. I smelled too.

I entered the bathroom and saw her white wedding gown on the floor along with her....uhm - underwear. I found myself looking at it longer than I should. I puffed out my cheeks to calm the flame burning them.

It was highly inappropriate to look at something that wasn't for everyone's eyes. I dumped my suit on her wedding gown and threw my underwear in the hamper.

I showered quickly and wrapped a towel around my waist. I was sure she was still sleeping as I carefully got out. I hastily walked to my closet making sure to close the door behind me. I picked the new suit and put on tons of hair gel to straighten my hair back. Once I looked decent, I decided to go to work.

When I got out of the closet, she was sitting up in the bed, moving her hair out of her face. I almost laughed at her cuteness if I didn't remember that she would be angry at me.

"Good morning." I greeted. She looked up while lazily rubbing her eyes.

"Where are you going?" She asked, seeing that I was in a suit.

"I'm heading to work. I will tell the maid to get those clothes in the bathroom and wash them. You can go have breakfast when you get ready." I explained.

"When are you going to be home?" She asked and my heart jumped at her words. Home. She called this hell of a house, a home.

"Probably in the evening. You can do whatever you want." I said.

"Fine fine." She waved me off and fell back on the pillow. I smiled and left the room, leaving my newlywed wife alone to enjoy herself. And I was sure she would when she is without me near her.


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Ezra is adorable.

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