4 Months later

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Its been 4 months since Brooklyn left town with hope,the others haven't been doing great,Stefan turned it off and came back 2 months later with the help of aria,the two are dating now,the others have been trying to find Brooklyn and hope but there was no use so they faked Brooklyn and hope's death to protect them now back

With the others in the mansion

Marcel:this is pointless,they're no where to be found (says angrily throwing things around)

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Marcel:this is pointless,they're no where to be found (says angrily throwing things around)

Rosalie:its only been 4 months (says)

Bonnie:yeah 4 months of having to fake Brooklyn and hope's death (says)

Katherine:brooklyn is like a thousand year old hybrid, she can handle herself (says)

Marcel:yeah but for how long,how long until people find out Brooklyn and the baby is still alive (tells her)

Katherine:then we hope Brooklyn finds us first (says) all we have to do is believe in her that she'll protect her daughter, we had to put faith in her and we're not even doing that

Bonnie: Katherine's right, Brooklyn isn't trying to kill or hurt anyone she's just protecting-

Rosalie: hope, it's all about hope (says thinking)

Marcel: what are you getting at rosalie (says)

Rosalie:siring (says)

Katherine:what (looks at her)

Rosalie: think about it hope took away Brooklyn's vampirism while she was still in the womb killing her in the process, Brooklyn died with hope's blood still in her system bringing her back again which means

Katherine: Brooklyn is sired to Hope (says) so Brooklyn mostly only cares about hope more then us it would explain why Brooklyn left us to die with the witches (says)

Marcel: okay how do we unsire her (ask)

Bonnie: she has to break every bone in her body non-stop until it doesn't hurt anymore (says) but I don't think Brooklyn wants to unsire herself, I think she wants to stay bonded to hope (says)

Marcel: so Brooklyn is doing all of this because of a sire Bond (says)

Rosalie: not just the sire bond, Brooklyn loves hope with every bone in her body, she'll do anything to keep hope safe and give her a normal life (says)

Bonnie: people were right, when a woman becomes a mother they're prepared to sacrifice anything or anyone for their children and that's what Brooklyn is doing (says)

Katherine: so I guess we have to let Brooklyn do her thing (says)

Rosalie:yes (says nodding)

Marcel: but what about Stefan (says)

With Stefan at aria's house with aria in bed naked

Aria: are you okay (ask looking at him)

Stefan: yeah why (looks at her)

Aria: about Brooklyn and your daughter (says)

Stefan: I don't know, I just became a father only for it to be stripped away 2 months later by Brooklyn, I'm missing four months of Hope's life now (says)

Aria: don't worry we'll find them and you'll get your daughter back, I promise you (says)

Stefan: that's why I love you (says and get her)

Aria: I know (Smirks) I'm the best

Stefan laughs before getting up to get dressed

Stefan: I'll call you when you find Brooklyn (stays, aria nods and Stefan leaves, aria smiles before laying down going back to sleep)

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