Family History

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The next day Bonnie had everyone in the living room

Bonnie: so it turns out me and Brooklyn are cousins (says)

Marcel: what do you mean (ask)

Bonnie: the woman I've been seeing is Brooklyn's mother beatrice cullen (says) and she had a sister who is a Bennett witch

Katherine: what but isn't she supposed to be dead (says)

Bonnie: she still is but trying to come back (says)

Stefan:why now (ask)

Bonnie:(grabs a book) beatrice is a power-hungry Elemental witch, she kills Supernaturals using their blood to cast powerful crazy spell, that's why some spells in the world can only be used by Blood (says)

Marcel: why does she want Brooklyn and Hope (ask)

Bonnie: She wants to finish what she started (says)

Rosalie: and that is (says)

Bonnie: she wants to use Brooklyn and hopes blood to bring her back (says)

Katherine: but hope doesn't have any blood to Brooklyn, how (ask)

Bonnie: I don't know but we need to find out, we need Brooklyn (says)

Rosalie:no, not yet if Beatrice wants the two it's best to keep them away until we stop her

Stefan: and how are we going to do that (ask)

Rosalie: find out more about Beatrice(says) and find out who is trying to bring her back

Bonnie:beatrice was born in 1006, she created Elemental Magic at 18 in 1024, 6 years before she had Brooklyn (says)

Marcel: is there any more to her background story (ask)

Bonnie: she's the daughter of Mason and Matilda

Katherine: and who are they (ask)

Bonnie: they're witches, who created mix Magic (says)

Stefan: great so Brooklyn was born into a family of crazy witches (says)

Bonnie: technically she wasn't born into it, she was born by a witch but had the wolf genes and was raised by her father and his pack so Brooklyn has the blood of a witch on her mother's side, just didn't inherit the witch gene

Rosalie: so Brooklyn is the first to be a non witch on her mother's side (says) that's good

Marcel: how is that good (ask)

Katherine: because marcel we're lucky to have a half werewolf and vampire Brooklyn just imagine if we had a tribrid Brooklyn, she would be Untamed

Marcel:(thinks) I still don't get it

Rosalie: okay instead of Brooklyn being born as a werewolf, she was born as a hybrid inheriting both of her parents genes and when she had Klaus's blood in her system she would be a full activated tribrid, being dangerous and out of control especially if she was still with klaus

Marcel:oh, well it's a good thing she didn't get the witch genes (says)

Bonnie: yeah but it has passed down to Hope (says)

Stefan: how she's not her daughter (says)

Bonnie: I found out that hope was using her magic in the womb changing her blood throwing out Hayley's blood and using Brooklyn's blood since she with unstable to be in the womb, so hope made sure her DNA matches Brooklyn, so hope is really the daughter of Brooklyn and Klaus (says) hope inherited all three genes from both side of the family since Brooklyn and klaus are both hybrids and both have a witch for a mother

Katherine: I feel so sorry for hope, she's going to grow up one day learning she is the granddaughter of two crazy powered-witches for grandmothers ( says and everyone laughs)

Rosalie: it's already going to be more complicated telling her that she was supposed to be the daughter of Hayley and Klaus and not Brooklyn as a mother (says)

Marcel: maybe we should ask the real question here, hope is the first tribrid in history no one has ever raised a tribrid, which means it's not going to be a piece of cake handling hope when she gets older (says)

Stefan: but hope will have us, Brooklyn can teach her how to be a werewolf, Bonnie can teach her to be a witch and the rest we can teach her to be a vampire, one day when she activate all three we will be there to try and help her(says)

Bonnie: I wonder what it would be like if Hope Was Born Into the Mikaelson instead (says)

Katherine: she would have thousands of enemies coming after her because she's the daughter of klaus, hope has some enemies with us we can handle that but I don't think hope wi'll be able to handle having thousands of enemies coming after her at once not be able to live the life of a normal child having to move every time danger hits, having to have a Target on her back every day as she grows up (says)

Marcel: I always hated the witches in New Orleans on how they treat kids, to be honest I'm so glad they did use magic to transfer hope into Brooklyn instead (says) but there is one witch I will always miss

Stefan: and who is that (ask)

Marcel: her name is Davina Claire (says) I saved her from a harvest they was going to sacrifice her to get more power so I saved her and 8 months later the mikaelsons came into town, everything went wrong because of them, half of my friends are dead because of them the city is not at peace because of them because Klaus was so jealous because I took the city he built and didn't run like he did, one day a hybrid name Tyler Lockwood came into town kidnap Hayley and did experiments on her, and it turns out that hope can sire hybrids, and we all thought Klaus was just using the baby's blood to build an army because he never really cared about Hayley's pregnancy or even acknowledged it (says)

Bonnie: so that's what Tyler meant when he said he was going to get revenge on Klaus he wanted to get revenge on Hayley to, because she betrayed him and left him to die by the hands of klaus (says) she slept with a guy who killed his mother and basically ruined his life, to be honest I would do the same, I especially hated Caroline on how she made Tyler choose between her and revenge, and I was like, Klaus killed his mother why would he let that go, of course he's going to want revenge this isn't about love I wanted to say to Caroline, this is about avenging his mother, family comes first Above All not love (says)

Stefan: we may not be in mystic falls anymore but I keep up-to-date on what happened and it turns out Caroline slept with klaus, Tyler found out and he was pissed, let's just say Tyler call Caroline all sorts of names and left for good no one knows where he is now (says)

Katherine: we better get some rest don't know what the next day will bring us (says and they nodded)

Stefan: good night everyone and let's hope we can stop this nightmare that's about to come ( says and they all went to bed knowing the fact that everything is about to get worse then what happened in the past)

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