the witches

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Weeks later it was now December Stefan, Katherine, Rosalie and Marcel was going to Town Square where everyone was

Aria: where are the witches going (ask)

James: we don't know but they're leaving the city (says) we just don't know why

Celeste: why don't we ask a witch ourselves ( says holding a witch by their arms) now tell us witch who are you and your friends going after

Witch: I'm not telling you anything bitch ( says spitting on her shoes)

Celeste: unless you want to die I think it's best to tell us you're already pissing me off (says)

Witch: I'm surprised you guys don't know who else was the one to leave town months ago or as you claim is dead (says)

Katherine: Brooklyn (says) what do they want with her

Witch: we don't want her but she does ( says and celeste snapped her neck)

James: who is she (ask)

Bonnie:beatrice cullen AKA Brooklyn's mom (says)

Celeste: Brooklyn's mom is a witch I thought she was a werewolf how is Brooklyn-

Marcel: Brooklyn's father is a werewolf she inherited her father's genes and not her mother's (says)

James: witches hate werewolves but yet they sleep with one (says)

Celeste:why is Beatrice out to get Brooklyn

Katherine: you guys been around for a while and you don't know your history she's a Elemental witch who uses Supernatural blood to create new spells, she kills people for their blood (says)

James: if she's dead why are you guys worried(ask)

Rosalie: a witch is trying to bring her back, we just need to find out who and stop them (says)

I Have an idea

Everyone turn around and saw a girl walking to them

Katherine: who the hell are you (ask)

Celeste: this is Ruby she's a witch (says)

Katherine: great (says rolling her eyes)

James: don't worry, the coven cast her out because she didn't like what they were doing

Ruby: before I left the coven they were talking about trying to prevent a dangerous baby from being born, I Didn't Know Brooklyn was the matter until Celeste told me so I did everything in my power to stop them

Stefan: why would you do that (says)

Ruby: because the baby is innocent, who doesn't deserve this ( says and soon Bonnie was pulled into a vision)

Harper: because Brooklyn is an innocent baby who doesn't deserve this (says and bonnie was back)

Bonnie:(what the-)

Ruby: The Witches see the child as an Abomination to the world like others, but we see the child as a gift, we have to find her and protect her, Brooklyn can't protect hope from over a hundred witches at the same time (says)

Rosalie:(thinks before standing up) I have a confession to make ( they all looked at her) I've been lying about not knowing where Brooklyn is but she made me promise not to

Marcel: what are you talkin about (ask)

Rosalie: I knew where Brooklyn and hope was the whole time (says)

Stefan:WHAT (yells) you're telling me I missed 5 months of Hope's life because you didn't want to tell us where they were and you knew since the day they left you must be the girl who helped her get away (says angrily)

Celeste: no that was me Rosalie was with you the whole time and I was helping Brooklyn run away with hope and I was the one who helped her to try to kill aria (says smirking)

Stefan: are you guys even on our side (says angrily)

Celeste: oh we're on your side just not in your side we're on Brooklyn's everyday (says)

Bonnie: rosalie you know where they are now (ask)

Rosalie: they're in the first City you get to, to cross the border (says)

Marcel: great so let's head there before they move again rosalie how do you really know she's there (ask)

Rosalie: we call each other (says)

Stefan: oh my God you been secretly calling her to (says frustrated)

Katherine: can you call her and tell her what's going on so she can be prepared when we get there (says and Rosaline nod before leaving)

Aria: alright let's get going (says getting up)

Katherine: it's best if you stay here (says)

Aria: what why this is hope's life that's on a line (ask)

Katherine: yeah and if you go your life will be on the line as well (says)

Stefan: katherine she can come with us (says)

Bonnie: katherines right Stefan she has to stay here

Stefan: why is that (says angrily)

Katherine: because one Brooklyn hates her guts, 2 Brooklyn made it clear that she doesn't want her anywhere near hope 3 we don't like her very much 4 she's human she'll just get in the way 5 and she's annoying there you have your answer now let's go (says and leaves)

Rosalie: I just told Brooklyn and she's happy to have us over there we just need to hurry up before the witches get there first (says)

James: while you guys do that me, Celeste, and Ruby will try to keep peace over here (says and they nodded)

And soon they were on the road to see Brooklyn and hope once more after 5 months of being apart

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