A nightmare

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Bonnie woke up to see herself in the woods, she got up and walked, she looked to see if she was in a different time

Bonnie:miss (walks up to the woman)

Woman:yeah (smiles)

Bonnie: what year is it (ask)

Woman:(looks at her)well its 1030(says)

Bonnie: WHAT (says shocked and soon Bonnie was in a room where a woman was giving birth)

Woman:Beatrice one more push, she's almost here (says to a in pain woman)

Beatrice: (screams) I can't it hurts

Woman: I know but your daughter needs you to B (says) now one more push

Beatrice:( screams more but stopped when she heard the baby's cries)she's her

Woman::( cut the cord off the baby, cleaning her up before giving her to beatrice)

Beatrice: she's beautiful (says looking at her daughter)

Woman: what's her name (ask)

Beatrice: well her name is-

Bonnie soon woke up in her bedroom

Bonnie:its her ( says and gets up) guys wake up

With everyone once again

Bonnie: her name is Beatrice and she is a mother (says)

Rosalie:but to who (ask)

Bonnie: I don't know, all I saw and heard that it was 1050 and she gave birth to a baby girl (says)

Marcel: the same year Brooklyn was born could there be a connection (ask)

Bonnie: I don't know I almost got the child's name but everything went black (says)

Stefan: I'm getting a feeling you're going to be seeing more of these Visions Bonnie we need to find out more (says and bonnie nods)

And he was right 2 hours later Bonnie was sucked into another Vision this time she saw a woman and a man fighting

Beatrice: you will not take my daughter away from me Oliver ( says angrily following the father of her daughter)

Oliver: yes I am you're trying to use our daughter's blood to make powerful spells you're crazy (says)

Bonnie: blood, spell, what (says watching the scene)

Oliver: Brooklyn is a normal werewolf beatrice not a witch you can use (says)

Bonnie: that's Brooklyn (says shocked)

Beatrice: I can do whatever I want she's my daughter and you can't stop me (says)

Oliver: I can't but Harper can (says)

Beatrice: Harper ( says and soon someone shot her)

Harper: I'm so sorry beatrice (says)

Beatrice: harp (says looking at her) we're sisters and you betrayed me, why

Harper: because Brooklyn is an innocent baby who doesn't deserve this, you're using your own daughter to become more powerful

Beatrice: I am Elemental witch Harper I will be back and I will have her one way or another ( says and soon closed her eyes and she was dead)

Oliver: thank you harper (says smiling)

Harper: you're welcome it's what bennett witches do (smiles)

Bonnie: she's a Bennett witch, wait if her and beatrice are sisters that makes Brooklyn and hope my cousins (says)

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