They're Back part 2

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2 Days Later of being with Brooklyn they made it back home

Aria: you guys are back (says running outside and hugs stefan) Hello Brooklyn is good to see you again

Brooklyn: not the same for me ( says picking up hope and hold her)

Aria: oh my God is this hope ( says walking to hold hope but Brooklyn backed up)

Brooklyn: unless you want to keep your life aria I suggest you step back and don't touch my daughter (says glaring at her)

Aria: but it's Stefan's daughter to I can hold her if I want to (says glaring at her)

Brooklyn: well let me put it to you I had to endure horrendous labor and actual death birthing the child that I am holding do not test me aria (says and leaves inside with hope)

Aria: she's never going to stop hating me (says)

Katherine: I say the more you disrespect her the more she would try to kill you again and she won't miss this time since she's not pregnant anymore (says and heads in with the other)

Aria: your friends are hard to impress and be friends with (tells stefan)

Stefan: yeah nothing won't change their mind especially Brooklyn (says)

Aria:what about hope (ask)

Stefan: if Brooklyn doesn't corrupt her into hating you I say there's a 50/50% chance that she will like you (says)

Aria:(sighs) well that's good for me (says and the two headed in)

They look to see Bonnie giving hope something

Stefan: what are you doing Bonnie ( says trying to stop whatever she was doing)

Bonnie:hope is using Magic (says)

Aria: already (says and bonnie nods)

Bonnie: she's going to keep doing this until she gets older this will a stop her from doing magic now (says)

Stefan: why does it matter (ask)

Bonnie: because hope is a Mikaelson with a curse of the firstborn, if Dahlia senses any of Hope's magic she will come for her then the mikaelsons will find out the baby lived (says)

Stefan: but what will happen when Hope gets older and do magic (ask)

Bonnie: because Dahlia won't go after hope anymore (says)

Katherine: what do you mean (ask)

Bonnie: Katherine you remember when you said that Hayley is just what we needed to get klaus out of our lives forever (says)

Katherine:(nods)yes why

Bonnie: because she's just the thing we need to keep Dahlia away from Hope (says)

Marcel: what are you saying (says)

Bonnie: I've been keeping tabs on the Mikaelsons just in case they ever find us and I found something (says)

Brooklyn:which is (says)

Bonnie: Hayley is pregnant again or will be soon (says)

Brooklyn:is klaus the father (says slowly)

Bonnie: no her and Klaus was a one-time thing, well they did sleep together weeks after you turn Hayley into a hybrid but the point is Elijah is the father (says)

Marcel: how he's a vampire (says)

Bonnie: but Hayley is a hybrid half werewolf, I'm guessing the witches of New Orleans didn't want to sacrifice hope because they already planned to give her to Brooklyn, I'm guessing they needed Hayley pregnant again to go out their plan to sacrifice this baby instead(says) the timing had to be right, and it is

Rosalie: I don't understand why would they want to sacrifice the second baby instead of Hope (ask)

Bonnie: because this baby is not half vampire like hope, I'm guessing they didn't want vampire blood (says)

Brooklyn: so what is this baby going to be (ask)

Bonnie: half witch and half werewolf, which is weird since both of her parents are vampires and Hayley is a werewolf but I'm guessing she got the witch Gene from her grandmother and didn't inherit vampire Gene I'm guessing they didn't want the second baby to be a tribrid to so I guess nature made sure of that, apparently hope is supposed to be the only Tribrid in the world until she has a child of her own (says)

Brooklyn: how would Dahlia not go after hope, she still a first born (says)

Bonnie: because I know the mikaelsons will defeat her before Hope gets older which means when this baby is born Dahlia will return to the world and try to take that second baby while hope is still safe over here with us so when hope gets older she doesn't have to worry about Dahlia coming after her anytime soon (says) and since I'm a Bennett witch my magic is a little bit stronger than hers and half of my ancestors use their magic to cloak hope so she's safe

Brooklyn:(sighs in relief) thank God, all I want is hope to be safe as much as possible (says)

Marcel: wait a minute how is Hayley a hybrid you would have to need hope's blood to complete the transition (ask) how

Bonnie: apparently when Tyler attacked Hayley he took some of her blood which was hope's blood so that's why, they must have found it and used it for hayley (says) but that's not worst for what's coming next (says)

Aria: what is (ask)

Bonnie: Hayley's pregnancy will be the same as Brooklyn's (says)but worst

Brooklyn:what do you mean (ask)

Bonnie: the baby was siphon her vampirism like hope did to you, but that was because she was taking away her own blood to match yours, but since this is Hayley's baby it would be more dangerous since the baby won't have anything to siphon out, the baby will also kill Hayley (says)

Katherine: okay she'll just turned back into a hybrid like Brooklyn did (says)

Bonnie: but that's the thing she won't (says)

Rosalie: what do you mean (ask)

Bonnie: the baby doesn't have vampire blood and can't sire hybrids or turn one (says)

Katherine: oh crap this child is going to be motherless (says trying to hide her smirk, I mean Hayley deserved it so did Elijah who she once loved he dumped her for a were-slut the one she tried to kill)

Brooklyn: to be honest I feel bad not for Hayley of course, the baby tho, people were right when someone gets too close to the Mikaelson they die, I'm so glad I left and saved hope while I was at it (says)

Bonnie: but the mikaelsons might still have some of hope's blood left so when Hayley does go she'll come back as a hybrid again

Brooklyn:yeah and sired to her to, which means she will feel hope is alive (says)

Marcel: don't worry that blood probably already weaken, so she won't feel the sirebond (says and Brooklyn sighs)

Katherine: so I guess Hayley is in for a painful ride, I'm guessing we're going to be hearing a lot about her pregnancy to (smirks)

Marcel: I'm going to go see James to see if they found any witch who is trying to bring back Beatrice (says and leaves)

Stefan: the rest of us will keep searching for answers ( says and they all nod and got to work Brooklyn put hope in her crib and went to search for answers about her mother)

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