with the others part 2

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With rosalie walking in the lunar field James host for the new vampires

Rosalie: what the hell are you doing (ask)

James: getting new vampires and old ones to join (says)

Rosalie: and why (ask)

James: because you remember how Stefan killed most of them when he turned it off (says)

Rosalie:right (says) I'll look around

Rosalie walked around, she saw a vampire alone and went to talk to him

Rosalie: hello ( the vampire look up) what's your name

Vampire: hi it's Adam (says)

Rosalie: so you're going to work for James (says and he nodded) cool

Adam: are you a vampire too (ask)

Rosalie: yeah why (ask)

Adam: because your eyes and skin (says)

Rosalie: it's because I'm a cold one (says)

Adam: oh oh, those vampires are rare how come you're not shining in the sun right now (ask)

Rosalie: I'm friends with a witch (says and he nodded) well it was nice meeting you Adam

Adam: You to I guess I'll see you around (says)

Rosalie:(smiles) yeah of course bye

Adam: bye (says and she leaves)she's pretty

With Bonnie / she was trying to find Brooklyn and hope but failed

Marcel: take it easy Bonnie (says stopping her)

Bonnie: I got to find her (says)

Marcel: I know but you need to rest, don't want to see them when you're all tired (says)

Bonnie: you're right (says and sits on her bed) and just when we finally get peace something else always comes up (says)

Marcel:I know (says looking at her)

Bonnie: do you really think she's okay and hope (ask)

Marcel: I known her all my life, she's a fighter and she will never stop being a fighter (says)

Bonnie:so she-( got cut off when she was knocked out)

Marcel: Bonnie, Bonnie (says catching her) Bonnie Bonnie bonnie ( says trying to wake her up)BONNIE

With Bonnie in a white room, she looked around seeing nothing but white

Hello my dear

Bonnie jumped, she turned to see a woman

Bonnie: who are you (ask)

Woman: you'll find out soon my dear but I need your help (says)

Bonnie: what is it (ask)

Woman: I need your help to find Brooklyn and hope cullen (says)

Bonnie: and why (ask)

Woman: let's just say family business my dear now bring me hope and Brooklyn

Bonnie: I can't (says)

Woman: and why not (says getting anger)

Bonnie: they're dead, they've been dead for four months (says)

Woman: you're lying (says smirking)

Bonnie: no I'm not, why would you think that (says backing up)

Woman: because-

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